jessarcher / zsh-artisan

Laravel artisan plugin for zsh to help you to run artisan from anywhere in the project tree, with auto-completion, and it can automatically open files created by artisan!
MIT License
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zsh-artisan - Enhanced Laravel integration for zsh

This plugin adds an artisan shell command with the following features:




Add the following bundle to your .zshrc:

antigen bundle jessarcher/zsh-artisan


Fig adds apps, shortcuts, and autocomplete to your existing terminal.

Install artisan in just one click.


First download the plugin to your oh-my-zsh custom plugin location:

git clone ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/artisan

Note that the repository name is prefixed with zsh-, however the plugin directory name should just be "artisan".

Then enable the plugin in your .zshrc file. For example:



Add the following to your .zshrc:

zplug "jessarcher/zsh-artisan"


If you wish to automatically open new files created by artisan make:* commands then you will need to configure the ARTISAN_OPEN_ON_MAKE_EDITOR environment variable. The best place for this is probably your .zshrc file. For example:

#ARTISAN_OPEN_ON_MAKE_EDITOR=subl   # Sublime Text
#ARTISAN_OPEN_ON_MAKE_EDITOR=atom   # Atom (May require shell commands to be enabled)
#ARTISAN_OPEN_ON_MAKE_EDITOR=code   # VSCode (May require shell commands to be enabled)

The author uses mhinz/neovim-remote, combined with a wrapper script, to automatically open files in an existing neovim session within the same tmux session, and automatically switch to the correct tmux window (tab).

Note that you will need to re-source your .zshrc or restart zsh to pick up the changes.


Simply use the command artisan from anywhere within the directory structure of a Laravel project and it will search up the tree for the artisan command and execute it. E.g:

$ pwd

$ artisan make:model MyAwesomeModel
Model created successfully.

Tab-completion will work anywhere that artisan can be found, and the available commands are retrieved on-demand. This means that you will see any Artisan commands that are available to you, including any custom commands that have been defined.

If you configured the ARTISAN_OPEN_ON_MAKE_EDITOR environment variable, any files created by artisan make:* commands should automatically be opened, including when multiple files are created (E.g. by artisan make:model -m -c -r)

The plugin does not create any aliases for you, but the author would like to offer some suggestions:

alias a="artisan"
alias tinker="artisan tinker"
alias serve="artisan serve"

Many more can be found at

Homestead Setup

The Zsh Artisan plugin can be installed automatically with any new or provisioned Laravel Homestead instance. In the root of your Homestead project, add the following to your file.

if [ -d "$ARTISAN" ]; then
  echo "$ARTISAN exist"
  git clone $ARTISAN
  sed -i 's/plugins=(git)/plugins=(git composer artisan)/g' /home/vagrant/.zshrc
  source /home/vagrant/.zshrc

Note: If you are re-provisioning your Homestead box, and already have other Zsh plugins defined in your Zsh config files, you wil need to adjust the sed command to includes those in the list.


This project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
