jessicakuijer / ai-chatbot-ChatGPT

A symfony chatbot Proof of concept, by using botman lib, GPT-4o model, YoutubeV3 api and other apis.
9 stars 3 forks source link
api artificial-intelligence botman chatbot gpt-4o openai-api php8 symfony6

A symfony 6 Chatbot Demo using GPT-4o, Youtube, Giphy, WeatherStack apis...🇫🇷 🇺🇸

This is a symfony 6 Chatbot Demo by using [Botman](
It can be used as Chatbot symfony 6 starter.

PRs Welcome MIT License

screenshot1 screenshot1

DEMO live

Demo deployed on Heroku

This demo is password protected. Send me a request so I can create your credentials.
@jessica kuijer


composer install 


symfony serve -d
# open

On local (dev) environment, use mysql for your own use and then you can create admins with the command:

bin/console app:create:admin

An invite in your terminal will ask for your credentials and password is hashed.


You can access the main website and /login page only. (& /logout)
Admins can access /chat page for using AI-chatbot.

ChatBot Commands to test

API used in POC (you have to get your own api keys as environnement variables)

API Youtube data V3
API Giphy
API OpenAI for ChatGPT-4 PHP
API WeatherStack

Configure your environnement variables that you can find in services.yaml parameters and .env.local


MIT License © 2024
@vikbert for CSS and botman starter
@jessica kuijer