jethrokuan / git_porcelain

Git status info adapted from @michaeldfallen git-radar
MIT License
16 stars 2 forks source link

Slack Room Travis


User-friendly Git status output information inspired and adapted from git-radar.



With fisherman

fisher git_porcelain


Typically you'll store the result in a variable to be output later:

set gitporcelain (git_porcelain)
printf "blah blah %s" $gitporcelain

git_porcelain comes with colours by default. To disable colors, use git_porcelain -C.



Symbol Meaning
A A file has been Added
D A file has been Deleted
M A file has been Modified
R A file has been Renamed
C A file has been Copied
U A file is untracked


Color Meaning
Green Staged and ready to be committed (i.e. you have done a git add)
Red Unstaged, you'll need to git add them before you can commit
Grey Untracked, these are new files git is unaware of
Yellow Conflicted, these need resolved before they can be committed

Prompts using git_porcelain

  1. jetty