This is the Git repo for the official images of Jetty on Docker Hub. See the Hub page for the full readme on how to use the Docker image and for information regarding contributing and issues.
The full readme is generated over in docker-library/docs, specifically in docker-library/docs/jetty.
The library definition files for the official jetty docker images can be found at docker-library/official-images/library/jetty
Jetty 12 can run with various different EE Environments.
In the docker images prior to Jetty 12, certain Jetty Modules were enabled by default (server,http,deploy,ext,resources,jsp,jstl,websocket).
However, in the Jetty 12 images we do not assume which environment will be used, therefore we only add the following modules (server,http,ext,resources). If you are migrating to use the Jetty 12 docker images you will need to enable any additional Jetty modules that you require.
For example, to use EE10 you could include the following line in your Dockerfile:
RUN java -jar "$JETTY_HOME/start.jar" --add-modules=ee10-webapp,ee10-deploy,ee10-jsp,ee10-jstl,ee10-websocket-jetty,ee10-websocket-jakarta
For a full list of the available Jetty Modules, run java -jar "$JETTY_HOME/start.jar" --list-modules
This project was imported from appropriate/docker-jetty, thanks to the efforts from Appropriate and all other contributors who worked on this project.