jexxme / vBull

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Adding a new Canvas


Make sure the p5 library is linked in head of the HTML file. Bare in mind that this structure to get the file is designed to work with flask.

<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='/libs/p5/p5.min.js') }}"></script>

Alternatively this may be swapped with the p5 CDN:

Make sure the sketch is linked in the head of the HTML file.

<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='/p5_sketches/example.js') }}"></script>

Adding the actual canvas

First off, add a div with the class canvas-container to your file. Inside you may add new divs. Any div with class p5canvas and an assigned cname (company name) will be treated as a new canvas.

<div class="canvas-container">
    <div id="canvasID" class="p5canvas" cname="TechCorp"></div>

Secondly, add an entry in your sketch file for the newly added company. Bare in mind that the canvasID needs to match the id set in the div in the step above. The argument s is the sketch defined in example.js.

let cTechCorp = new p5(s, 'canvasID');

Finally, we need to update the canvas with data from the backend on every 'stock_price' event of the socket. The new stock value is passed into the _step()-method of the 'cTechCorp'-object.

socket.on('stock_prices', function (prices) {