jfarris587 / react-components-package

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GitHub Package Template

Template for releasing to GitHub Packages

Technologies Used

Developer Setup


In Application

Create .npmrc in the root of the project with the following:


Then add the package with yarn:

yarn add @calizahq/<YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME>

In Package

Any push/merge to main will trigger a GitHub Action that will build, test, version, & release the package. It is configured to version the package based on Conventional Commits. Commits that do not conform to the patterns below (i.e. chore:) will still run tests, but they will not release a new version.

Commit Prefix Description
fix: Patch version (1.0.0 -> 1.0.1)
feat: Minor version (1.0.0 -> 1.1.0)
BREAKING CHANGE: (in footer) Major version (1.0.0 -> 2.0.0)

Local Development


To add:

To remove:


Unfortunately, symlinks do not work in React Native, so we have to use a different pattern. See here for more information.