jfernandez / impact-fog

An Impact.js plugin that draws a fog of war on top of your game canvas
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Fog of War

An Impact.js plugin that draws a fog of war on top of your game canvas. It uses direct calls to the Canvas 2D API and draws fog in vertical strokes to improve performance.

Quick Setup

  1. Copy fog.js to lib/plugins/
  2. Require the plugin in main.js: 'plugins.fog'
  3. Create an instance of the Fog class:this.fog = new ig.Fog(mapWidth, mapHeight, tileSize)
  4. Define a callback that answers if a tile has been viewed or not: this.viewedTileCallback = function (x, y) { // }
  5. In your draw function, call:this.fog.draw(this.viewedTileCallback)



Example Code


FoggyGame = ig.Game.extend({
  // The height and width <in tiles> of the area to be covered by fog
  // You must also provide the tile size in pixels
  mapWidth: 45,
  mapHeight: 30,
  tileSize: 8,

  init: function() {
    this.fog = new ig.Fog(this.mapWidth, this.mapHeight, this.tileSize);

  draw: function() {
    // To draw fog you must provide a callback function, see below

  // Replace with your own logic to determine if a tile at [x,y] has been viewed
  // A viewed tile is no longer covered by fog
  viewedTile: function(x, y) {
    return true;

ig.main( '#canvas', FoggyGame);