jffng / parisienne

GNU General Public License v3.0
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A screenshot of the Parisienne theme.


This theme an experiment using block-based templates and theme starter content to bootstrap a WordPress site.


It is based on Johannes, a block-based theme by Mel Choyce. All images used in this theme were sourced from this are.na board.

Getting Started

  1. Create a fresh WordPress site
  2. Clone this repository or upload a zip into the site’s themes directory
  3. Install and activate the Gutenberg and Jetpack plugins
  4. Enable the Full Site Editing and Full Site Editing Demo Templates experiments in Gutenberg > Experiments panel:
  5. Ensure the "Contact Form" module is enabled within Jetpack:
  6. Visit the Customizer and hit "Publish"

How this theme was developed

The following resources helped to become familiar with the concepts applied in this theme:

The steps to developing a theme using block templates with starter content are as follows:

  1. Developed block templates using the editor.
  2. Copy and paste those templates into static files in the block-templates
  3. Define the starter content for the site in functions.php

You can watch an explanation of how it works here:

video demo to follow