jfirwin / meshtastic-documentation

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⚠️ This repository is not an active documentation for Meshtastic. Please contribute/view the official documentation at meshtastic/Meshtastic ⚠️

Meshtastic Documentation

Meshtastic® is a project that lets you use inexpensive GPS mesh radios as an extensible, super long battery life mesh GPS communicator. These radios are great for hiking, skiing, paragliding - essentially any hobby where you don't have reliable internet access. Each member of your private mesh can always see the location and distance of all other members and any text messages sent to your group chat.

The radios automatically create a mesh to forward packets as needed, so everyone in the group can receive messages from even the furthest member. The radios will optionally work with your phone, but no phone is required.

Typical time between recharging the radios should be about eight days.

This project is is currently in beta-testing - if you have questions please join our discussion forum.

This software is 100% open source and developed by a group of hobbyist experimenters. No warranty is provided, if you'd like to improve it - we'd love your help. Please post in the chat.


If you have anything to fix or details to add, first file an issue on GitHub to see if it is likely to be accepted, then file a pull request with your change (one PR per issue).