jfma-USTC / HRDoc

Dataset and scripts for HRDoc
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This is the official PyTorch implementation of our paper: "HRDoc: Dataset and Baseline Method Toward Hierarchical Reconstruction of Document Structures" to be appeared in the AAAI-2023 conference.


We build HRDoc with line-level annotations and cross-page relations that support both NLP and CV research. HRDoc dataset aims to recover the semantic structure of the PDF document, which can be divided into three subtasks, includ- ing semantic unit classification, parent finding, and relation classification.


Dataset Introduction

HRDoc contains 2,500 documents with more than 2 million semantic units. The following figure provides the statistics of semantic unit distribution over the train and test set of the HRDoc datasets.


Here we present some samples in the HRDoc dataset.



Release Issues

We have released scripts related to the data generation, rule-based system and including 4 parts:

  1. The scripts used to get colorized documents. See utils/pdf_colorization.py
  2. PDF parser systems used to extract the text lines, equation, table, and figure areas. See utils/extract_pdf_hrdh.py and utils/extract_pdf_hrdh.py
  3. The human-designed rule system as a new baseline. See utils/relation_recover.py
  4. An end2end multi-modal system for reconstruction task. See end2end_system folder

The HRDS dataset and HRDH dataset have been released! Google drive(HRDS, HRDH).


Classification results on HRDoc-Simple (F1 %)

Model Title Author Mail Affili Section Fstline Paraline Table Figure Caption Equation Footer Header Footnote Micro Macro
Cascade-RCNN 78.83 72.74 64.54 70.13 91.35 87.53 89.70 89.30 73.87 64.87 83.87 87.50 - 79.32 88.30 80.85
ResNet+RoIAlign (ImageNet) 93.67 82.53 81.33 84.39 37.09 38.39 91.86 58.44 48.53 70.75 26.89 98.33 - 49.76 85.61 66.30
ResNet+RoIAlign (PubLayNet) 85.35 46.98 25.43 60.73 14.22 16.26 89.94 29.42 40.63 49.67 8.21 96.07 - 0.20 81.78 43.32
Sentence-Bert 98.98 96.47 98.95 97.42 97.30 93.27 98.72 94.42 95.72 93.36 96.02 99.89 - 87.11 97.74 95.97
LayoutLMv2 96.61 97.70 99.69 99.17 98.80 97.98 99.62 99.12 98.71 98.04 98.13 99.97 - 97.19 99.31 98.52
DSPS Encoder (Rule-based dataset for training) 98.31 96.16 92.48 94.72 98.89 94.23 99.28 0.0 0.0 85.79 66.32 99.93 - 96.65 97.50 78.67
DSPS Encoder 99.43 98.83 96.45 97.33 99.60 98.22 99.74 100.0 99.95 99.06 97.91 100.0 - 99.15 99.52 98.90

Classification results on HRDoc-Hard (F1 %)

Model Title Author Mail Affili Section Fstline Paraline Table Figure Caption Equation Footer Header Footnote Micro Macro
Cascade-RCNN 81.50 49.77 33.39 49.34 75.92 64.96 77.86 69.96 72.22 43.72 68.84 70.91 71.00 52.67 73.37 64.94
ResNet+RoIAlign (ImageNet) 82.40 48.40 18.43 61.33 33.66 45.37 87.99 21.89 70.28 61.54 48.32 73.69 75.71 6.79 79.25 52.56
ResNet+RoIAlign (PubLayNet) 76.00 33.10 0.00 47.25 6.73 26.02 84.58 3.97 43.78 37.81 24.41 50.59 64.34 4.25 73.46 35.92
Sentence-Bert 95.85 89.92 91.68 91.75 94.26 88.68 96.77 76.96 91.67 91.99 93.94 94.68 92.65 62.61 94.68 89.53
LayoutLMv2 97.61 91.43 87.02 91.16 96.02 91.59 97.74 92.33 97.42 97.02 95.22 98.56 98.11 76.19 96.36 93.39
DSPS Encoder (Rule-based dataset for training) 94.98 82.96 0.0 52.73 94.62 85.54 96.78 84.85 95.39 95.26 96.67 91.85 85.92 87.57 94.37 81.79
DSPS Encoder 97.71 93.93 85.49 90.95 96.06 91.24 97.96 100.0 100.0 97.32 97.92 98.54 97.83 88.84 96.74 95.27

ResNet-50 pretraind on PubLayNet

bbox_mAP bbox_mAP_50 bbox_mAP_75
0.9170 0.9660 0.9470