jfmonteil / Pentaho-Google-Sheet-Plugin

Pentaho Google Sheet Plugin (API V4)
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Json credential connects, but I can't access private spreadsheet #12

Open gfmbr opened 3 years ago

gfmbr commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to use your API in my Pentaho project with a Private Spreadsheet, however, I can't access the data, give the following message: https://prnt.sc/y12szz

403 Forbidden { code: 403, "errors": [{ "domain": "global", "message": "The caller does not have permission", "reason": "forbidden" }], "message": "The caller does not have permission", "status": "PERMISSION_DENIED" }

NOTE: If I try with a public spreadsheet (without restrictions), access is normally given: https://prnt.sc/y12won

I have looked in several places on GitHub, however, none has a solution for private spreadsheet authentication.

Thank you.

RodrigoDeOliveiraSilva commented 1 year ago

Uma dúvida, você ativou a APIs do Google Sheets API ?, e compartilhou a planilha com o e-mail da sua conexão google?