jfmonteil / Pentaho-Google-Sheet-Plugin

Pentaho Google Sheet Plugin (API V4)
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Pentaho Google Spreadsheet Plugin (Google Sheet API V4 / Google Drive API V3)

Jean-François Monteil jfmonteil@gmail.com

As the google Spreadsheet API V3 comes close to depreciation (march 2020) I have developed this plugin using Google Spreadsheet API V4.

It contains 2 steps :


In delivery rep you will find a zip that you can unzip in your pentaho/design-tools/data-integration/plugin folder. Otherwise : mvn install You should generate your client secret file (json) for your Google service account and paste it somewhere on your machine (or server). It might be ,ecessary to regenerate it, because Google brought some change in 2020 Google Tokens will also be create in .kettle directory /tokens The service account should be parameterized with both Google Drive and Google Spreadsheet API’s read and write access

Input step

Service Account Tab

Lets you pick your google service account client secret json file. It might be ,ecessary to regenerate it, because Google brought some change in 2020 Application Name : Your application name for the service account in the Google Developer Console. Timeout lets you specify an HTTP tiemout Impersonation lets you impersonate your service account ONLY if you have a GSUITE account you need to gor through these steps as well : https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/impersonating-service-accounts Test button Lets you test your access to the API. On success you should see a success message. Service Account

Spreadsheet tab

Let’s you specify or browse for spreadsheets existing in the service account drive or for the ones that are shared with the service account email. enter image description here

Fields tab

Lets you select from the fields of the sheet. Fields name are always defined in the first line of the google spreadsheet.

Output step

Lets you write data into a sheet (existing or not) IMPORTANT NOTE : The API writes data in a "user entered mode" as if you were typing in the cells. That means the cells are interpreted by google after insert. I noticed that it is better to transmit STRINGS to the step so Google Sheets works well, specially numbers. Use Select Value step for this

Service Account Tab

Lets you pick your google service account client secret json file. Application Name : Your application name for the service account in the Google Developer Console. Timeout lets you specify an HTTP tiemout Impersonation lets you impersonate your service account ONLY if you have a GSUITE account you need to gor through these steps as well : https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/impersonating-service-accounts

Lets you test your access to the API. On success you should see the following screen

Spreadsheet tab

enter image description here

All steps inbound fields are written in the output file

Metadata injection.

Both steps fully support metadata injection and parameters See mi-input-output transformations in the sample repository. enter image description here

Written with StackEdit.