jfuentess / process_wikidata

Collection of scripts to process the Wikidata dataset
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Processing the Wikidata dataset

This repository is a collection of scripts to pre-process a dump Wikidata. All the code was tested with the latest-truthy dump of Wikidata (June 9th, 2024).


The first step is to apply some filters to the dump in order to reduce redundant or unnecessary triples

Filter 1: Remove labels and descriptions

This filter is aimed to remove descriptions of Subjects/Objects in multiple languages, leaving only the English description

python remove_labels_and_descriptions.py < [input .nt file] > [output .nt file]

Filter 2: Remove properties

This filter removes all the properties not starting with "<http://www.wikidata.org/prop/". As a byproduct, this filter generates a file named removed_properties.txt with all properties removed.

python remove_properties.py < [input .nt file] > [output .nt file]

Filter 3: Remove properties that generate cycles (designed for containment relations/predicates)

This filter removes all the triples that generate a cycle in the graph. The script is intented to work only with containment-related predicates, where a cycle can be considered as an error or a bug. However, the code is general enough to be applied to other predicates. As a byproduct, this filter generates a file named removed_triples_cycle.txt with all triples removed. The list of predicates to be considered is given as an input file following the format

   <predicate 1> <direction>
   <predicate 2> <direction>

where <direction> indicates how to interprete the triple SPO (0: S--P-->O, 1: O--P-->S). The direction is used, in particular, for predicates related with the containment relation. For an example, check the file cycle_predicates.txt

python delete_cycles.py --input <input .nt file> --output <output .nt file> --subset-preds <.txt file with the subset of predicates>


To apply all the filters to the Wikidata dump latest-truthy.nt, use

cat latest-truthy.nt | python3 remove_labels_and_descriptions.py | python3 remove_properties.py > latest-truthy_filtered.nt

python delete_cycles.py --input latest-truthy_filtered.nt --output latest-truthy_filtered_nocycles.nt --subset-preds cycle_predicates.txt
Dataset Number of triples
latest-truthy (original) 8,254,120,518
After filter 1 2,276,362,123
After filter 2 1,617,500,079 (26 properties deleted)
After filter 3 1,615,616,023 (1,884,056 triples deleted)

Continuous identifiers

The second step is to convert the filtered dataset into a new version using continuous identifiers for the subject/objects and predicates. The output dataset has extension .nt.dat. Additionally, two dictionaries are generate to convert identifiers to entries of the filtered dataset, one for subjects/objects (extensión .nt.dat.SO) and one for predicates (extension .nt.dat.P)

python continuous_ids.py --input <input .nt file>


This script computes some stats from the input .nt file, as a graph. In particular, the computed stats are:

python get_stats.py --input <input .nt file> --subset-preds <.txt file with the subset of predicates> --max-deg <limit degree>

Stats from subsets of containment and adjacency relations

General stats (After filter 1 + filter 2 + filter 3)

Top 10 subjects/objects with higher in-degree

  1. Q13442814: 41,928,868 (scholarly article -- article in an academic publication, usually peer reviewed)
  2. Q1860: 14,149,995 (English -- West Germanic language)
  3. Q5: 11,861,436 (human -- any member of Homo sapiens)
  4. Q1264450: 8,081,235 (J2000.0 -- epoch in astronomy)
  5. Q6581097: 6,851,060 (male -- to be used in "sex or gender" (P21) or "semantic gender" (P10339))
  6. 1: 5,603,026
  7. Q4167836: 5,385,408 (Wikimedia category -- use with 'instance of' (P31) for Wikimedia category)
  8. 2: 4,818,801
  9. 3: 4,320,894
  10. 4: 3,918,407

Top 10 subjects/objects with higher out-degree

  1. Q39790431: 8,348 (BayGenomics: a resource of insertional mutations in mouse embryonic stem cells -- scientific article published on January 2003)
  2. Q6382438: 6,704 (Shigella sonnei -- species of bacterium)
  3. Q213019: 6,479 (The War of the Worlds -- 1898 novel by H. G. Wells)
  4. Q1644417: 6,278 (Shigella flexneri -- species of bacterium)
  5. Q21600865: 5,662 (Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica -- subspecies of bacterium)
  6. Q112113034: 5,560 (Death following pulmonary complications of surgery before and during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic -- scientific article published on 13 November 2021)
  7. Q56836084: 5,480 (40 EASD Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes : Munich, Germany, 5-9 September 2004 -- article)
  8. Q64022985: 5,225 (Combinations of single-top-quark production cross-section measurements and |fLVVtb| determinations at sqrt(s) = 7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS and CMS experiments -- article)
  9. Q21558717: 5,200 (Combined Measurement of the Higgs Boson Mass in pp Collisions at sqrt(s)=7 and 8 TeV with the ATLAS and CMS Experiments -- scientific article )
  10. Q56754739: 5,128 (Measurements of the Higgs boson production and decay rates and constraints on its couplings from a combined ATLAS and CMS analysis of the LHC pp collision data at sqrt(s)=7 and 8 TeV -- article)

In-degree and out-degree distribution (with --max-deg 1000)

In-degree and out-degree

Query engines