jfwberg / lightweight-oauth-jwt-client-credentials-auth-provider

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Lightweight - OAuth 2.0 JWT Client Credentials Authentication Auth. Provider for use with Salesforce Named and External Credentials


A reusable Auth Provider that can be used with named / external credentials that executes an OAuth 2.0 JWT Client Authentication flow using a Client Credentials grant type.

The grant type standards are described in https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7523#section-2.2


Since the Winter 24 release (API v59.0) Salesforce Named Credentials natively Support this flow making this Auth Provider Solution Obsolete for System Integrations using Named Principals.

A reason to keep using this Auth Provider is you need a Per User principal based on the JWT Subject or send custom headers to the token endpoint.

Blog details


Dependency - Package Info

The following package need to be installed first before installing this package. (In this order) If you use the managed package you need to installed the managed package dependency and if you use the unlocked version you need to use the unlocked dependency. Info Value
Name Lightweight - Apex Unit Test Util v2
Version 2.4.0-1
Managed Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000M6OXIA0
Unlocked Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000M6Q9IAK
Github URL https://github.com/jfwberg/lightweight-apex-unit-test-util-v2
Name Lightweight - Apex REST Util
Version 0.11.0-1
Managed Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000M6gHIAS
Unlocked Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000M6htIAC
Github URL https://github.com/jfwberg/lightweight-apex-rest-util

Optional Dependencies

This package has an extension that adds a basic (error) logging functionality and a user mapping utility that allows the Auth Provider to work in a user context using "Per User" instead of "Named Principal". Info Value
Name Lightweight - Auth Provider Util v2
Version 0.12.0-1
Managed Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000MVUzIAO
Unlocked Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000MW1FIAW
GIT URL https://github.com/jfwberg/lightweight-auth-provider-util

Package info

Info Value
Name Lightweight - OAuth JWT Client Credentials Auth Provider
Version 0.5.0-1
Managed Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000MWfZIAW
Unlocked Installation URL /packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04tP3000000MWndIAG



Assign permissions to Automated Process User

Since the Spring 24 release platform events started running as the Automated Process User. Making the logging fail due to access issue. To fix this I created a specific permission set for this user that can be assigned using the code below.

insert new PermissionSetAssignment(
    AssigneeId      = [SELECT Id FROM User          WHERE alias = 'autoproc']?.Id,
    PermissionSetId = [SELECT Id FROM PermissionSet WHERE Name  = 'Lightweight_Auth_Provider_Util_AutoProc']?.Id

00 :: Deployment and Preparation

  1. Import the JWT signing certificate into Salesforce, Note down the Certificate API Name
  2. Deploy the Apex class and the Custom Metadata (including layouts) from this SFDX Pproject to your Org (Or install the package)
  3. The package can be found here: https://[MY_DOMAIN_URL]/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=

01 :: Setup the Auth. Provider

In my example I am going to connect an api called "PiMoria"; this my test domain that I will use throughout this example.

  1. In setup > Auth Providers > Create a new Auth. Provider Using the OAuthJwtClientCredentials class as the type image info

  2. Populate the Execute Registration As field first, this is a mandatory field that is not marked as mandatory and will reset the entire form if you forget it.

  3. Populate the fields in the the Auth. Provider. The below table details what is required in the fields

  4. Triple check you put in all mandatory fields: If you have forgotten one, you have to re-do them all

Field Name Description Example
Name Auth Provider API Name PiMoria PROD
URL Suffix The URL suffix that is used in the callback URL Make sure this is the same as the name field PiMoria
Additional Token Endpoint Headers Optional headers that are send during the API token request. Key value pairs are split with a comma and header key values are set using a colon apiId : echo, apiKey : 1919
Additional Token Endpoint Parameters Optional POST body parameters that are send during the API token request. Key value pairs are split with a comma and parameter key values are set using a colon tenant : 12-345, client_id : ab-cde
Auth Provider Name The name of the Auth Provider: !! This must be the same as the Name field !! PiMora
JWT Algorithm The algoritm used for signing the JWT. Valid values are: 'RS256','RS384','RS512','ES256','ES384','ES512' Note: we are limited to the algorithms supported by the Crypto Class RS512
JWT Audience The aud in the JWT https://prod.pimoria.com
JWT Issuer The iss in the JWT pimoria-client-api-identifier
JWT Kid The Key Id in the JWT prod-1
JWT Signing Algorithm The algorithm used to sign the JWT and generate a JWS 'RSA-SHA256','RSA-SHA384','RSA-SHA512','ECDSA-SHA256','ECDSA-SHA384','ECDSA-SHA512' RSA-SHA512
JWT Signing Certificate Name The certificate API name that is used for signing the certificate PiMoriaProd
JWT Subject The sub field in the JWT system.user@pimoria.com
Token Endpoint URL The URL for the token endpoint, usually ends in /oauth2/token https://prod.pimoria.com/oauth2/token
Scope Optional value for the scope parameter in the request body api,refresh_token
Custom Callback URL Optionally you can add your custom callback URL, this should not be required. The code generates the callback URL based on the name
Enable Error Logging Optionally error logging can be enabled to log any errors thrown during the get token process
Enable Per User Mode Optionally the Auth Provider allows for Per User mode instead of Named Principal, to allow for user APIs that require user context. A mapping needs to be setup.
Enable Per User Login Logging Optionally you can add your custom callback URL, this should not be required. The code generates the callback URL based on the name

When finished it should look like something like this image info

02 :: Setup The Remote Site Setting(s)

In order to make API call-outs to the token endpoint securely, we must setup a remote site setting for the token endpoint.

  1. Go to Setup > Security > Remote Site Settings and click New
  2. Populate the Remote Site URL field with the Token Endpoint Base URL and set a Name and Description
  3. Press Save
  4. If your API Base URL is different than your token URL, you need to create separate Remote Site Setting for this API. In my example case, the base URL is the same. image info

03 :: Create a Permission Set for the External Credential

External Credentials require a Permission Set in order to create a credential type mapping. It's best practice to create a separate Permisison Set for each Extern Credential to keep a strict separation and stick to the least access principle. At this stage you don't have to assign any permissions, this will happen later.

  1. In Setup > Users > Permission Sets, Click New
  2. Set a Label and an API Name, write the API Name down, we're going to need this later.
  3. Assign the Permission Set to the testing user, probably the user you're logged in with image info

04 :: Setup the External Credential

Your Auth Provider is now ready for testing. The next step is to create an External Credential that authenticates to the token endpoint using the Auth Provider.

  1. Go to setup > Security > Named Credentials and click the External Credentials tab
  2. Click New, Set A Label and a Name
  3. Set Authentication Protocol to OAuth 2.0
  4. Set Authentication Flow Type to Browser Flow. The Scope field can be left blank. This is overwritten by our Auth. Provider Settings.
  5. Select your created Auth. Provider from the Auth Provider Picklist
  6. Press Save image info
  7. Scroll down to the Permission Set Mappings section and press New
  8. For the Permission Set, select the Permission Set You created in Step 3.1. Set the Identity Type field to Named Principal. You can ignore the sequence number. This can stay default.
  9. Press Save image info

05 Connect your External Credential through the Auth Provider

You have no finished setting up the external credetials and the auth provider it's time to test it by callign the token endpoint and authenticate.

  1. Click on the arrow button next to the Permission Set Mapping in the actions column
  2. Click Authenticate, Salesforce now call the token endpoint and execute the logic from the Apex class to get a token. It will redirect you to the same page (This is the redirect URL that is auto generated in the class.) image info
  3. If you're successful you get a sucess message, if you're unsuccesful you have to start debugging. image info

06 Debugging and Common Errors

07 Create a Named Credential

Once you have successfully authenticated your external credential and you want to use this connection from Apex or Flows to call an API we'll need a Named Credential

  1. Go to setup > Security > Named Credentials and click the NAmed Credentials tab
  2. Click New (Note we are NOT creating a legacy named credential, we're modern)
  3. Give your credential a Label and a Name
  4. Populate the URL field with the base URL of the API (Not the token endpoint). Quite often these are the same.
  5. Select your External Credential you created in step 4.2
  6. Make sure Generate Authorization Header is selected, this is by default
  7. Optionally you can select a namespace and a network if you use prive connect.
  8. Press Save image info

08 Test the Named Credential

Now you have everything you need. Let's open up and execute anonymous window and call one of our endpoints.

HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
HttpResponse response = new HTTP().send(request);

Note on coding

Steps to import a certificate store (JKS) in a Scratch Org when getting "Data Not Available" error message on import

In some cases there is a bug in the certificate import that gives an error if you try to import a JKS It says "Data Not Available". I have this issue in all my scratch orgs. There is a simple way to resolve this. 1) Go to setup > certificate and key management 2) Create a self signed certficate 3) Go to Setup >> Identity provider 4) Click enable Identity Provider and select the self signed certificate you just created and press save 5) Press the disable button, as we dont really need it 6) Go back to Setup > Certificate and Key Management and try to "import from keystore" again, it should work now.