jg-chickenbook / chickenbook

Chickenbook client app
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🐤 Chickenbook

Our goal is to create an app where members of Junior Guru[^1] can log in and create a simple developer profile they can show to the world. Anybody will be able to browse the profiles. There will be filters to view them according to a specific field, programming language and so on. Theoretically, companies might use such a database when looking for junior developers, as well as people looking for collaborators for their projects.

Why Chickenbook? Junior Guru has a chicken, more precisely a chick, in its logo, and there is also a chick/chicken bot on the community's Discord server. Chick would be more precise, but I thought Chickbook might be misleading 😅, so I decided on Chickenbook instead.

[^1]: Czechoslovakian developer community

🏁 Quick Start

Will be added after migration to Vite if we agree on it

🤝 Collaboration


🔥 Issue

🌿 Branch

Each branch should be created from an issue and issues should ideally mirror tasks on MS Teams.

Branch Category (label) Meaning
main for deployment
dev for putting the code together before deployment
gh-pages for deployment to GitHub pages
feature for adding a feature
bug for defining and fixing a bug
hotfix for quickly fixing critical issues, usually with a temporary solution
refactoring for restructuring and improving project/code
test for experimenting something which is not an issue
docs for documntation updates

The name of the branch should has the following format:


EXAMPLE: feature/30-profile-screen
feature = branch category
30 = number of issue 
the rest = the branch title

➕ Commits

🙏 Pull requests

Pull requests should target the dev branch (set base: dev and compare: <your-branch>). Any change that is going to be merged should be checked by at least one other developer. Therefore add others as reviewers in your pull request so they get a notification that you need them to check it out. Branch shouldn't be merged without a code review and/or some feedback written in the pull request. Comments or at least reactions are required in PRs and all the PR related communication should happen within the given PR or be at least noticed/mentioned including its outcome.

Each pull requests should contain at least basic information about the changes. You can use this simple template:

- A reference to a related issue in your repository.
- A description of the changes proposed in the pull request.
  - What's new?
  - What has been modified?
  - What has been deleted?

💬 Communication

🧱 Folder Structure

Folder Purpose
assets Contains all images, css files, font files, etc.
data For storing our data assets such as JSON files, can also store global constant variables
components For placing any layout based components, like a sidebar, navbar, container, etc.
hooks Contains every single custom hook
pages Contains one folder for each page in your application, and each page folder contains folders and files that are only ever used in the given page
utils Storing all utility functions such as formatters

⚙️ Recommended VS Code Extensions