jgoodyear / ApacheKarafCookbook

Samples for Packt Publishing's Apache Karaf Cookbook
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Unsupported protocol #4

Open vegegoku opened 8 years ago

vegegoku commented 8 years ago

i was able to build chapter 5 1st reciepe through maven, and it was successfully deployed on karaf 4.0.0 but when i hit the URL http://localhost:8181/cxf/chapter5/recipeOne i got the following error message

SSH-2.0-SSHD-CORE-0.14.0 Unsupported protocol version: GET /cxf/chapter5/recipeOne HTTP/1.1

ANierbeck commented 8 years ago

the samples have been verified to be working with Karaf 3, Karaf 4 might need some tweeking.