jgoodyear / ApacheKarafCookbook

Samples for Packt Publishing's Apache Karaf Cookbook
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Apache Karaf Cookbook

Samples for Packt Publishing's Apache Karaf Cookbook.

The samples in this project were written with JDK 1.7 and Maven 3.0.5.

  1. Apache Karaf for system builders.
  2. Making a Smart Router with Apache Camel. (Sample Chapter)
  3. Deploying a Message Broker with Apache ActiveMQ.
  4. Hosting a JSP with Pax-web.
  5. Hosting web services with Apache CXF.
  6. Distributing a clustered container with Apache Karaf Cellar.
  7. Providing a persistence layer with Apache Aries and OpenJPA.
  8. Making a scalable persistence layer with Apache Cassandra.
  9. Manage big data with Apache Hadoop.

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