jgross11 / bless-this-chess

MIT License
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Setting up the project

  1. Download and install Python, Docker Desktop, etc.

  2. Obtain a copy of the .env file (contact someone in the project) that contains credentials for various services and place it in /config.

  3. Run buildAllWindows.bat in /config (non windows users, manually run command within the batch file). This creates a Docker container which runs a MySQL DB instance (and any images that need to be added in the future..).

  4. Run createDatabase.py in /config with the command python \.createDatabase.py - this creates the necessary tables for the project within the db and inserts any relevant test data into the tables. This can also be re-ran to initialize a clean working copy of the database, should your testing corrupt it ;)

  5. Depending on your Python install / environment, you may or may not have to manually download the modules used in the project (Flask, Jinja, etc.). You can do so using the command pip install module-name, provided you have Pip installed.

Running the project

Run wsgi.py in / with the command python \.wsgi.py - if setup was done correctly, the web server will start listening on port 5000. (localhost:5000)

Stop running the web server by closing terminal or pressing ctrl (command) + c.

Project Structure

config - contains files that setup the project's environment, typically to be ran once upon initial project setup or to reset environment to clean state.

docs - technical documentation which may or may not make sense or be applicable to the end product.

bless_this_chess - the meat of the project, where all source files reside. Abbreviated BTC onwards.

BTC/view - project wide front end resources (CSS, etc.).

BTC/routes - URL routing components.


BTC/routes/user - Contains components necessary to handle user routing requests.

BTC/routes/user/static - User routing specific front end resources.

BTC/routes/user/templates - User routing specific Jinja templates.

BTC/routes/user/routes.py - Backend logic to handle user routing requests.

All BTC/routes/ subfolders should (probably) be structured similarly.