A CScope plugin for Sublime Text 3. Features automatic indexing of projects and workspaces and a two level indexing strategy for large projects.
Many Cscope plugins expect you to maintain your own Cscope index manually. This is cumbersome and hard to keep up to date. SublimeCscope tries to automate this as much as possible.
On small projects (less than 50 files) the Cscope index is updated on-the-fly on each query. On largers projects, this is no longer feasible since updating the index becomes time consuming. Instead, the whole code base is pre-indexed and this index is kept offline and updated as needed. The files you are actively working on (i.e. open and modified files) are kept in a seperate index which is updated on-the-fly. The query result will then be a combined result of the two.
TODO: This package is not published on Sublime Package Control yet.
in the Sublime Text Packages directory for your platform:
git clone https://github.com/jgust/SublimeCscope.git ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text/Packages/SublimeCscope
git clone https://github.com/jgust/SublimeCscope.git %APPDATA%\Sublime/ Text/\SublimeCscope
git clone https://github.com/jgust/SublimeCscope.git ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/SublimeCscope
SublimeCscope comes pre-configured with sane default values so no configuration should be necessary in order to get started. If you do need to modify anything such as the location of the Cscope executable or the list of file types you want to index then have a look at Preferences->Package Settings->SublimeCscope->Settings - Default
for more details.
SublimeCscope defines no key bindings by default. Instead Preferences->Package Settings->SublimeCscope->Key Bindings - Default
contains a template that you can use and modify at will. Just copy it to Preferences->Package Settings->SublimeCscope->Key Bindings - User
, un-comment and modify (if needed).
. SublimeCscope will use the currently selected string as a search term. If nothing is selected, SublimeCscope will try to select the word under cursor. If there is nothing under the cursor, an input dialog will be presented where you can type in the search term.Project: Refresh Folders
to refresh the active project/workspace or SublimeCscope: Refresh All Projects
to refresh all open projects.Running any of SublimeCscope: Find * (Use Buffer)
commands will append the results to Sublime Text's own Find Results buffer. This is mainly to be able to re-use the Jump-To-Result-On-Mouse-Click feature (which as far as I can see is impossible to implement given the current plugin API). However, this functionality doesn't seem to work unless Sublime Text itself has actively modifed the buffer. So to work around this problem you need to keep the "Find Results" buffer open after performing a "Find in Folder" operation.
On the topic of the Find Results buffer, you may want to check out the BetterFindBuffer plugin.
SublimeCscope is released under the MIT License.