jgust1 / needLR

A structural variant filtering and prioritization tool for long-read sequencing data
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A structural variant filtering and prioritization tool for long-read sequencing data


🚧 _needLR3.2 is currently a beta version and actively under construction 🚧

Please contact jgust1@uw.edu with issues or suggestions.

needLR is a command line tool that uses Jasmine merging to compare a query structural variant (SV) vcf to our collection of 1000 Genomes Project (1KGP) samples sequenced by Oxford Nanopore Technologies long-read sequencing (ONT LRS). The output is a .txt file with detailed annotations about the genomic context, OMIM phenotype association, and ancestry-specific allele frequencies of each of the SVs in the query vcf.

There are 3 key concepts that drive this project:

Thus, we need a comprehensive catalog of long-read sequencing (LRS)-based SV calls from healthy individuals in order to filter for rare potentially disease-causing SVs in clinical cases.

The Miller Lab is actively using Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) LRS to sequence samples from the 1000 Genomes Project (1KGP). Our recent preprint describes the first 100 samples in the cohort. This version of needLR incorporates SV calls made by Sniffles2 v2.2 for 150 1KGP samples.

Please cite our 2024 preprint:

Gustafson JA, Gibson SB, Damaraju N, et al. Nanopore sequencing of 1000 Genomes Project samples to build a comprehensive catalog of human genetic variation. Preprint. medRxiv. 2024;2024.03.05.24303792. Published 2024 Mar 7. doi:10.1101/2024.03.05.24303792


needLR performs the following steps on an input query vcf:

  1. Preprocess query sample vcf to match 1KGP vcf format (SVs >=50bp, FILTER=PASS, full chromosomes)
  2. Run Jasmine merge on 150 1KGP samples and 1 query sample
  3. Isolate merged SVs seen in query sample (common and unique)
  4. Assign ancestry aware allele frequencies to each query SV based on 1KGP sample input
  5. Annotate query sample SVs with genomic context, OMIM phenotype association, and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium check


needLR requires an environment with the following dependencies:

jasmine v1.1.5 1
bedtools v2.31.1 2
bcftools v1.19 3

1 Kirsche M, Prabhu G, Sherman R, et al. Jasmine and Iris: population-scale structural variant comparison and analysis. Nat Methods. 2023;20(3):408-417. doi:10.1038/s41592-022-01753-3
2 Quinlan AR, Hall IM. BEDTools: a flexible suite of utilities for comparing genomic features. Bioinformatics. 2010;26(6):841-842. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btq033
3 Danecek P, Bonfield JK, Liddle J, et al. Twelve years of SAMtools and BCFtools. Gigascience. 2021;10(2):giab008. doi:10.1093/gigascience/giab008

Download the needLR_local directory from AWS into a parent directory you want to run needLR from

wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/1000g-ont/needLR/needLR_local.tar.gz

[!NOTE] The zip file is ~3.2G, the unzipped directory is ~9.5G

Extract the directory

tar -xvzf needLR_local.tar.gz

This will create a working directory called needLR_local. Everything needed to run needLR is inside.

Navigate into the working directory

cd needLR_local

This is what you should see:



The needLR_3.2.sh command takes 3 required arguments:

Flag Description
-f A .txt file that lists the full file path(s) to the query vcf(s) (The vcfs must be gzipped (*.vcf.gz) and have an index in the same directory as the vcf)
-g A fasta file for a reference genome (we use the hg38 reference recommended here) - This fasta is included in the backend_files download
-t The number of threads to use in the Jasmine merging step

To run needLR:

needLR_3.2.sh -f /file/path/to/list.txt -g /file/path/to/reference/genome.fa -t 20

As needLR is running, you will see the Jasmine output building - it will look like this:


Then it will look like this:


And eventually it will look like this:


(Sometimes this step can take quite a while)


Each query vcf will spawn an output subdirectory within the /needLR_local/needLR_output directory. The output files will be:

Output Description
{SAMPLE_ID}_RESULTS.txt Annotated query SVs (the main output)
preprocessed_{SAMPLE_ID}.vcf Preprocessed query vcf that is used in the Jasmine merge
{SAMPLE_ID}_jasmine.vcf Raw Jasmine output from the query sample + 1KGP sample merge

[!NOTE] needLR generates many temporary files when running, this can add up to ~2G

[!NOTE] Jasmine will automatically make a seperate /needLR_local/output directory (this can be ignored)


The {SAMPLE_ID}_RESULTS.txt file can easily be opened in Excel. Be sure that Excel is set up to delimit columns by tab (and only tab)

These are the columns which can be sorted at will:

Column Name Column Description
Chr Query SV chromosome
Start_Pos Query SV start coordinate (hg38)
End_Pos Query SV end coordinate (hg38)
SV_Length Query SV length
SV_Type Query SV type
1KGP_support Samples in the 1000 Genomes Project samples that share the SV with the query sample (n=150)
Genotype Query SV genotype
Alt_reads Number of reads in the query sample supporting the SV
Ref_reads Number of reference reads in the query sample at the SV locus
Total_reads Total number of reads at the SV locus (in the query sample)
Allele_Freq_ALL Allele frequency of SV in 1KGP samples (n=150)
Genes Genes that the SV intersects with (canonical hg38 coordinates, per gencode)
OMIM OMIM phenotypes associated with any gene the SV intersects (OMIM 8/2023)
Exonic If the SV intersects with a canonical exon (hg38 coordinates, per gencode)
Centromeric If the SV intersects with a centromere (UCSC hg38)
Pericentromeric If the SV intersects with a pericentromeric region (+/-5Mb on either side of UCSC-defined centromere)
Telomeric If the SV intersects with a telomere (5Mb of either end of a chromosome)
STR If the SV intersects with a Short Tandem Repeat region (vamos original motifs, n=148)
VNTR If the SV intersects with a Variable Number Tandem Repeat region (vamos original motifs, individuals=148)
Segdup If the SV intersects with a segmental duplication (Genome in a Bottle v3.3)
Repeat If the SV intersects with a repeat region (UCSC hg38 repeat masker)
Gap If the SV intersects with an hg38 gap region (UCSC hg38 mapping and sequencing: gap)
HiConf If the SV is fully contained within a high confidence region (Genome in a Bottle T2TQ100-V1.0_stvar)
Pop_Count_AFR How many 1KGP AFR ancestry samples have the SV (n=51)
Pop_Freq_AFR Frequency (%) of 1KGP AFR ancestry samples with SV (n=51)
Pop_Count_AMR How many 1KGP AMR ancestry samples have the SV (n=18)
Pop_Freq_AMR Frequency (%) of 1KGP AMR ancestry samples with SV (n=18)
Pop_Count_EAS How many 1KGP EAS ancestry samples have the SV (n=25)
Pop_Freq_EAS Frequency (%) of 1KGP EAS ancestry samples with SV (n=25)
Pop_Count_EUR How many 1KGP EUR ancestry samples have the SV (n=24)
Pop_Freq_EUR Frequency (%) of 1KGP EUR ancestry samples with SV (n=24)
Pop_Count_SAS How many 1KGP SAS ancestry samples have the SV (n=32)
Pop_Freq_SAS Frequency (%) of 1KGP SAS ancestry samples with SV (n=32)
Pop_Count_ALL How many 1KGP SAS ancestry samples have the SV (n=150)
Pop_Freq_ALL Frequency (%) of 1KGP SAS ancestry samples with SV (n=150)
Allele_Count_AFR How many 1KGP AFR ancestry alleles have the SV (n=102)
Allele_Freq_AFR Frequency (%) of 1KGP AFR ancestry alleles with SV (n=102)
Allele_Count_AMR How many 1KGP AMR ancestry alleles have the SV (n=36)
Allele_Freq_AMR Frequency (%) of 1KGP AMR ancestry alleles with SV (n=36)
Allele_Count_EAS How many 1KGP EAS ancestry alleles have the SV (n=50)
Allele_Freq_EAS Frequency (%) of 1KGP EAS ancestry alleles with SV (n=50)
Allele_Count_EUR How many 1KGP EUR ancestry alleles have the SV (n=48)
Allele_Freq_EUR Frequency (%) of 1KGP EUR ancestry alleles with SV (n=48)
Allele_Count_SAS How many 1KGP SAS ancestry alleles have the SV (n=64)
Allele_Freq_SAS Frequency (%) of 1KGP SAS ancestry alleles with SV (n=64)
Allele_Count_ALL How many 1KGP SAS ancestry alleles have the SV (n=150)
Allele_Freq_ALL Frequency (%) of 1KGP SAS ancestry alleles with SV (n=150)
GT_homWT Number of 1KGP samples that are homozygous for the reference allele at the locus (n=150)
GT_het Number of 1KGP samples that are heterozygous for the SV allele at the locus (n=150)
GT_homVAR Number of 1KGP samples that are homozygous for the SV allele at the locus (n=150)
HWE-p Reference allele frequency in 1KGP samples (n=150)
HWE-q SV allele frequency in 1KGP samples (n=150)
HWE Is the SV in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in the 1KGP samples (n=150)

Column headers are also defined in /needLR_local/needLR_output/column_key.txt


In the downloaded zip file there is a directory EXAMPLE/ which contains an example vcf and an example input_list.txt.
If eveything is sut up correctly, you should be able to run the following command from inside the /needLR_local directory

./needLR_3.2.sh -f EXAMPLE/input_list.txt -g /backend_files/hg38_fasta/hg38.no_alt.fa -t 20

and find the output here: needLR_local/needLR_output/EXAMPLE_HG01511_sniffles2_needLR_3.2
The results should match the example output available here in Excel format.


All of the allele frequencies are currently based on the number of autosomes in the 1KGP sample set, rendering allele frequencies (other than 0) for SVs on chrX and chrY inaccurate.

Some SVs are called and pass all filters but have a genotype of “./.” This can lead to a SV with an allele frequency of 0, but a population frequency of >0.


We ran needLR on sniffles2 vcfs from 8 individuals with pathogenic SVs that were unsolved by short-read sequencing.

needLR reduced the number of SVs per individual from an average of 22,583 total SVs to an average of 565 unique SVs:


Of the unique SVs, an average of 144 intersect with hg38 annotated genes:


Of the unique, genic SVs, even fewer intersect with canonical exons and/or are in genes associated with OMIM phenotypes:



Here is a "quick reference" annotated needLR output for just the first 150 1KGP samples (no query sample) - This has allele frequencies and genomic context info for each of the SVs seen in our first 150 samples.


More 1KGP samples

Our goal is to have 500 1KGP samples sequenced and analyzed by the begining of 2025


For annotating inheritance and potential de novo SVs when trio data is available

chm13 compatibility

Additional phenotype annotations (ie.HPO terms)