jgvhabets / ReTap

ReTap is an open-source tool to generate automated UPDRS finger-tapping predictions based on index-finger accelerometer data
MIT License
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ReTap is an open-source tool to generate automated UPDRS finger-tapping predictions and kinematic features describing finger tapping based on index-finger accelerometer data. A manuscript describing ReTap's intentions, functionality, methodology, and limitations is under review and will follow.

This repo is structured as follows:

├── LICENSE.txt
├── README.md
├── setup.cfg
├── setup.py
├── pyproject.toml
├── conda_requirements.txt
├── create_conda_env.bat
├── add_env_pip_packages.bat
├── runtime.txt
├── src
│   └── retap
│       ├── main_scripts
│       ├── preprocessing
│       ├── feature_extraction
│       ├── prediction
│       └── utils
├── data
│   └── models
│   └── settings

src contains the actual modules and functions. data contains the settings and trained models used by the model for tapping score prediction. other files contain information about the package, the installation, and the use of the functions.

Quick overview of workflow

Finding your accelerometer data (DEFINE YOUR LOCAL FOLDER !!)

ReTap will find the (raw) accelerometer files you want to be processed in a FOLDER THAT YOU NEED TO DEFINE. This local folder-location you have to define within ReTap/data/settings/configs.json, as variable raw_acc_folder.

Executing ReTap to generate features and predictions

You can run ReTap's functionality either as a python-script directly from the command line, or execute it within a Jupyter Notebook. Both will be explained below.

Finding the results

ReTap will generate two folders containing the results and the illustrative figures of the feature extraction and the tapping-score-prediction. THESE FOLDER WILL BE CREATED NEXT TO THE FOLDER WITH RAW ACCELEROMETER DATA YOU DEFINED. These folders will be called retap_results and retap_figures.

├── YOUR DEFINED FOLDER (in configs.json)
├── retap_figures
│   └── block_detection
├── retap_results
│   └── extracted_tapblocks   (csv files with preprocessed data per detected tapping block)
│   └── features   (json-file with all features on a single-tap-event level, stored per detected tapping block)
│   └── predictions   (csv file with the predicted tapping-score, per detected tapping block)

Checking your results

There are some important steps you need to do, before you can work with the results.




User Instruction

Notebook usage

Command line (py) usage

Questions or contribute

Please do not hesitate and reach out in case of any questions, contributions, or what so ever!


This software is available under MIT-LICENSE. Also see the document LICENSE.txt.