jhagara / TP-DeepSearch

Team 19 code base repository.
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============= TP-DeepSearch


Virtualenv """"""""""

Virtualenv preparation :: $ virtualenv ENV

To activate newly created virtualenv, you can run :: $ source ENV/bin/activate

Install all requirements :: $ pip3 install -r misc/requirements.txt

Install Python3 external dependency :: $ sudo apt-get install python3-tk

Install key words processing dependency :: $ python3 -m textblob.download_corpora

More information about virtualenv can be found on documentation_.

.. _documentation: https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/stable/

REQUISITES """"""""""

Basic orientation

There are 4 folders:

There is no main directory for all functionality of the project, but there may be several directoreis such as 'parser' where are scripts inserted in the hierarchy defined by methodology.

Tests is the main directory for tests.

Misc is used as the main directory for installation and setup scripts, files and so on.

Other is the main directory for code that is hardly descripable, used as help in some user stories, tasks or some other way.

Path Validation

Firstly, you need to download content of folder path_validator located in folder /helper in this repository. This folder path_validator should contain these files: :: issue_xml_schema.xsd MARC21_journal_schema.xsd Path Validator.bat path_validator.py

Secondly, download Python installer from this link: :: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bwbz4DMi5b1vdUtjX0RsYmZ4dU0/view?usp=sharing

All these files (including Python installer) must be placed in the same folder, for example: :: C:\Documents\Work

Make sure that you have in the same directory all needed files: :: issue_xml_schema.xsd MARC21_journal_schema.xsd Path Validator.bat path_validator.py python-3.6.2.exe

To run path validation, double click on Path Validator.bat, wait few minutes for python installation (if it is needed) and then, when prompted, enter the path to validate, and if desired also enter limiting path up to which will be searched for marc_journal, or leave blank if marc_journal is expected only in the validating path and its subpaths. Paths should be entered in the form of absolute path for example: :: C:\Documents\Work\Journals\Slovak

Path can also be entered in the form of relative path, for example if you placed these path_validator files in :: C:\Documents\Work

then enter path for files starting from this directory, for example to validate the same files like in example before, enter path: :: Journals\Slovak

After validation, press any key to start validation again with new parameters. To stop or end validation, click red X in the corner of the output console

Files upload

  1. Validate your files as mentioned above
  2. Download WinSCP (e.g. from here: https://winscp.net/eng/download.php)
  3. Install and run WinSCP
  4. Create new connection to your server with your credentials (if you don't have them ask your admin)
  5. Copy your files into directory that you specified in settings.yml in rails part of this project (check here how to set dir_path: https://github.com/mateee12/TP-DeepSeach-rails)