jhasuman / potholes-detection

This is a deep learning model for detecting the potholes on roads. The model is using YOLO-v2.
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deep-learning indian keras python roads


This is a deep learning model for detecting the potholes on roads. The model is using YOLO-v2.

Download the weights from this link : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1VwViHDdc4W8t28rMiuGjxChiAtFxMAjN and place the weights in the root folder.

Then python predict.py -c config.json -w /path/to/best_weights.h5 -i /path/to/image/or/video

The model has been trained with 150 images having 568 potholes labels. The accuracy of the model will increase by traing the model with larger size dataset.


Road with potholes

Detected potholes

Road with potholes detected