jhaws1982 / rustycan4docker

Docker plugin for managing CAN networks (virtual and physical), utilizing vxcan tunnels and CANgw
MIT License
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VXCAN Network Plugin for Docker

This Docker plugin provides the ability to create VXCAN tunnels for Docker containers. It is based heavily on the work by Christain Gagneraud (https://gitlab.com/chgans/can4docker) and Wiktor S. Ovalle Correa (https://github.com/wsovalle/docker-vxcan).

This plugin has essentially taken the Python implementation and rewrote it in Rust as a way for me to learn Rust and to speed up the plugin startup time, which on an embedded system was way too long when written in Python.


Requires that the vxcan and can-gw modules are built-in or loaded into the kernel.

sudo modprobe vxcan
sudo modprobe can-gw

Available Options

vxcan.id: Numerical identifier of the interface (i.e., 0 for can0, or 1 for can1). Default is 0.

vxcan.dev: Specify the CAN device to use on the host. If the device is present (i.e., a physical CAN device) then it will be used as is; otherwise, a virtual CAN interface is created to use. Default is 'vcan'.

vxcan.peer: Prefix for the peer device (i.e., endpoint) to use in the container. This is combined with the vxcan.id to produce an interface name (e.g., vxcanp0). Default is 'vcanp'.



# Create a couple Docker containers to test in separate terminals
docker run --rm -it --name a1 alpine
docker run --rm -it --name a2 alpine

# Create the network
docker network create --driver rustyvxcan -o vxcan.dev=vcan -o vxcan.id=0 -o vxcan.peer=vxcanp rust_can1

# Connect the network to the containers
docker network connect rust_can1 a1
docker network connect rust_can1 a2

# Check that the cangw rules are present (twelve total)
cangw -L

# Check that the required interfaces are present (one vcan0, 2 vxcanXXXXXXXX)
ip link

# In the container terminals
apk add can-utils
cangen vxcanp0 # from one container
candump vxcanp0 # from the other container
cangen vcan0 # from the host

# Remove the network (after closing the containers)
docker network rm rust_can1

Compose Application

docker-compose applications can make use of the plugin as well.

    driver: rustyvxcan
      vxcan.dev: can
      vxcan.peer: can
      vxcan.id: 0

Plugin Installation

This is typically just used as a simple systemd service, rather than being installed with docker plugin install <name>.