jhelovuo / ros2-client

ROS2 client library based on RustDDS
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ros2 rust

ROS2 Client

This is a Rust native client library for ROS2. It does not link to rcl, rclcpp, or any non-Rust DDS library. RustDDS is used for communication.

The API is not identical to rclcpp or rclpy, because some parts would be very awkward in Rust. For example, there are no callbacks. Rust async mechanism is used instead. Alternatively, some of the functionality can be polled using the Metal I/O library.

There is a .spin() call, but it is required only to have ros2-client execute some background tasks. You can spawn an async task to run it, and retain the flow of control in your code.

Please see the included examples on how to use the various features.

Features Status

ROS 2 Releases Compatibility

This is what is expected to work. There are no routine tests against older releases.

ROS 2 Release ros2-client should interoperate?
A - E Maybe. Not tested.
Foxy, Galactic, Humble Yes. Enable feature pre-iron-gid when building ros2-client 0.7.5 or newer
Iron Yes. Not well tested. Requires ros2-client 0.7.5 or newer
Jazzy Yes. Requires ros2-client 0.7.5 or newer

New in Version 0.7:





New in Version 0.6:

New in version 0.5:

Example: minimal_action_server and minimal_action_client

These are re-implementations of similarly named ROS examples. They should be interoperable with ROS 2 example programs in C++ or Python.

To test this, start a server and then, in a separate terminal, a client, e.g.

ros2 run examples_rclcpp_minimal_action_server action_server_member_functions and cargo run --example=minimal_action_client


cargo run --example=minimal_action_server and ros2 run examples_rclpy_minimal_action_client client

You should see the client requesting for a sequence of Fibonacci numbers, and the server providing them until the requested sequence length is reached.

Example: turtle_teleop

The included example program should be able to communicate with out-of-the-box ROS2 turtlesim example.

Install ROS2 and start the simulator by ros2 run turtlesim turtlesim_node. Then run the turtle_teleop example to control the simulator.

Turtlesim screenshot

Teleop example program currently has the following keyboard commands:

Example: ros2_service_server

Install ROS2. This has been tested to work against "Galactic" release, using either eProsima FastDDS or RTI Connext DDS (rmw_connextdds, not rmw_connext_cpp).

Start server: cargo run --example=ros2_service_server

In another terminal or computer, run a client: ros2 run examples_rclpy_minimal_client client

Example: ros2_service_client

Similar to above.

Start server: ros2 run examples_rclpy_minimal_service service

Run client: cargo run --example=ros2_service_client

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Copyright 2022 Atostek Oy

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


This crate is developed and open-source licensed by Atostek Oy.