jhelvy / surveydown

An attempt to build a markdown-based survey platform using Quarto & Shiny
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markdown quarto r shiny shiny-apps shiny-r survey

This is a prototype of a way to create surveys using Quarto shiny documents.

Note that it is very much not production ready. It doesn't even save the survey data to a database - for now it just writes to a local csv for purposes of testing and development. We are working on setting it up to save the data to a Google sheet, similar to how Google forms works.

Eventually, this will be compiled into a proper R package that will work in tandem with a Quarto extension. Keep an eye on the project as we hope to get to that stage sometime summer of 2024!

If you want to try running the demo, download / clone / fork the main branch, open the surveydown.Rproj file to open RStudio, then open the survey.qmd file. You should just be able to click the "Run Document" button at the top. You need to have the {shiny} and {shinyjs} packages installed. If you want to run it using just the command line, follow the Quarto instructions here.

It may also be worth reading my blog post on this idea to get a sense for what we're trying to accomplish. The post is now outdated in terms of the UI I had in mind back then, but the motivation for developing something like this remains.

TODO List:

Resources / examples: