jhermsmeier / uri.regex

URI Regular Expression
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URI Regular Expression Build Status

I found a perfectly working regular expression on jmrware.com, stole it and added capture groups for the various parts. All credit for that regex goes to Jeff Roberson.

Example Usage of uri.js

var URI = require( './uri.js' )
var input = 'http://user:password@example.com:8080/some/path/to/somewhere?search=regex&order=desc#fragment'

var uri = new URI( input ) // =>
  protocol:  'http',                      // match[1]
  slashes:   '//',                        // match[2]
  authority: 'user:password',             // match[3]
  host:      'example.com',               // match[4]
  port:      '8080',                      // match[5]
  path:      '/some/path/to/somewhere',   // match[6] || match[7] || match[8]
  query:     'search=regex&order=desc',   // match[9]
  hash:      'fragment'                   // match[10]