jhipster / jhipster-bot

Bot for creating JHipster applications
Apache License 2.0
15 stars 8 forks source link

WARNING This project isn't released yet, it is not working

The JHipster Bot is a Slack bot for generating JHipster applications.

Initial roadmap is:

Future roadmap:

How to try it:

Setup your configuration:

The configuration can be setup in different ways according to your environment.

Setup local environment:

on the root of the project, create an oath.json file. The properties are:

Setup Heroku environment:

For the application to work on Heroku you have to set the following environment variables using the command :

heroku config:set GIT_NAME=MyGithubAccount

JHipster API Documentation


GitHub Authentication

Authentication of the user via his GitHub account.


Generate JHipster Application

Generate a JHipster application.


Publish on GitHub

Publish the project on the user's GitHub.


Get User

Returns json data about a single user.