This is the c code to connect to a touchscreen thermostat from Bosch with wifi access (rebranded depending on supplier it seems, see title, tested with a Nefit Easy). The thermostat connects to a Bosch server by xmpp, see Clients like smartphones etc, can connect to the same server and can request the server to forward HTTP request / commands to the thermostat on their behalf.
This code does the same, but as a command line binary, only fetching values at the moment.
The build depends on
The first two are available from the package manager at least on Ubuntu (the *-dev packages need to be installed):
sudo apt-get install libjson-c-dev libssl-dev
The last one is on github,
sudo apt-get install autotools-dev autoconf libtool ./bootstrap make sudo make install
The can be opened by qtcreator (not that qt is used, but it is a nice IDE available on linux). After selecting a target the following environmental variables must be added to project -> run -> run enviroment -> details -> Batch Edit
(they are printing on the front of the manual, the password might be written on it as well). After this pressing debug should give json output in the Application Output Window.
To build from a command line use:
qmake ./ make
export above mentioned variables and start the application (./netfit-easy).
Linux is only tested at the moment...
(from which the authentication / decryption is copied): javascript: python:
php and c# are floating on the web, at least in binary form, see (Dutch)