jhonkus / UbudKusCoin

Simple Cryptocurrencies with Proof Of Stake Consensus Algorithm
MIT License
58 stars 41 forks source link


Simple Cryptocurrencies with Proof Of Stake Consensus Algorithm.

The Blockchain Explorer for this Blockhain can found here: https://github.com/jhonkus/UbudKusCoin-explorer-web

WHAT NEW 23 Feb 2022

Articles for This Project:






Developed with C# and .Net Core 5.0

This Solution have 3 projects


Net SDK 5.0 https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/5.0

How Install Net SDK 5.0



Afer install .Net Core SDK 5.0 and Visual Studio Code, do next step

Clone repository

> git clone https://github.com/jhonkus/UbudKusCoin.git

> cd UbudKusCoin

> dotnet restore

Build project to produce binnary files.

The binnary files can copy to the some folder to easy test P2P and Proof of Stake

build for linux:

dotnet publish -c Release -r linux-x64 -o ./publish-linux

Build for macosx

dotnet publish -c Release -r osx-x64 -o ./publish-osx

Build for windows

dotnet publish -c Release -r win-x64 -o ./publish-win64  

Create 4 folder and Copy binnary files to the folder

mkdir NODES
mkdir node1
mkdir node2
mkdir node3
mkdir node4

Copy binnary files to each folders, here i use linux

cp publish-linux/* -d ~/NODES/node1 
cp publish-linux/* -d ~/NODES/node2 
cp publish-linux/* -d ~/NODES/node3 
cp publish-linux/* -d ~/NODES/node4 

Copy .env* files to each folder and rename it to .env

cp env-examples/.env1 ~/NODES/node1/.env
cp env-examples/.env2 ~/NODES/node2/.env
cp env-examples/.env3 ~/NODES/node3/.env
cp env-examples/.env4 ~/NODES/node4/.env

until here you have 4 folder and each folder hamve .env file each .env file have diffrent values.

Run all nodes

Run node1

> cd NODES/node1
> ./UbudKusCoin

wait until node1 generate some blocks, let's saya 5 blocks

Run node2 Open new terminal

> cd NODES/node2
> ./UbudKusCoin

See on the console of node2, node2 will download blocks from node1 both node1 and node2 will do minting and do staking. and one of them will make blokcs.

Run node3 Open new terminal

> cd NODES/node3
> ./UbudKusCoin

See on the console of node3, node3 will download blocks from node1 and node2, All 3 nodes: node1, node2 and node3 will do minting and do staking. and one of them will make blokcs.

Run node4 Open new terminal

> cd NODES/node4
> ./UbudKusCoin

See on the console of node4, node4 will download blocks from node1, node2 and node3. All 4 nodes: node1, node2, node3 and node4 will do minting and do staking. and one of them will make blokcs.

Any question please put on github issues.

To run BlockExplorer

> cd BlockExplorer
> dotnet run

To run ConsoleWallet

> cd ConsoleWallet
> dotnet run

Restore Genesis Account Console Wallet

Edit Project

Open Project with Visual Studio Code.

Build project for Publish

dotnet publish -c Release -o ./publish-net

Deploy UbudKusCoin on AWS Lightstall or other vps linux

ls (make sure the file dotnet-sdk-5.0.100-linux-x64.tar.gz exist)

mkdir -p $HOME/dotnet (create folder dotnet)

tar zxf dotnet-sdk-5.0.100-linux-x64.tar.gz -C $HOME/dotnet (unzip the file to dotnet folder)

ls $HOME/dotnet (make sure unzip result exist)

- Set PATH for dotnet sdk on vps

nano ~/.bashrc (or your profile file)

- Add this 2 lines at the end of  your bashrc profile

export DOTNET_ROOT=$HOME/dotnet export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/dotnet

- save your bash profile buy press ctrl+x and yes in your keyboard

- activate your bash profile

source ~/.bashrc

- Create folder ukc on vps server

mkdir $HOME/ukc

- Open other terminal in your Laptop/PC and build UbudKusCoin for linux 

cd UbudKusCoin/UbudKusCoin dotnet publish -c Release -r linux-x64 -o ./publish-linux

- Zip all files of build result
build result take location in publish-linux folder

cd publish-linux zip -r archive.zip . (with dot at the end)

- Copy file to vps (virtual private server) 

scp -i ~/SSH/ssh.pem archive.zip root@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:~/ukc

- Unzip archive.zip on your vps server
- connect to your vps again, see above command to connect to your vps

cd ~/ukc unzip archive.zip

- run ukc core


ubudkus coin core will run, but when terminal closed, it will stoped, follow next step
how run ubudkuscoin as service

- Open/allow Port 5002 in your firewall setting, so it can access from client side. in aws lightsaill, there is network menu, edit it.

## Run as service on linux vps

- copy/upload file UbudKusCoin.service to vps folder 

so location will be /etc/systemd/system/UbudKusCoin.service

- Start the service

sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl start UbudKusCoin sudo systemctl enable UbudKusCoin

- Stop the service

sudo systemctl stop UbudKusCoin

for more detail see end of this file

Please read this articles to know more detail how to run app as service on linux


- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/architecture/grpc-for-wcf-developers/self-hosted

- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63827667/bind-grpc-services-to-specific-port-in-aspnetcore

- https://swimburger.net/blog/dotnet/how-to-run-a-dotnet-core-console-app-as-a-service-using-systemd-on-linux

- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/grpc/browser?view=aspnetcore-6.0#configure-grpc-web-in-aspnet-core

- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/grpc/browser?view=aspnetcore-6.0

- .Net Core with TLS