jhuguetn / cat12-docker

Docker image of CAT12 (standalone version)
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 1 forks source link
cat12 docker neuroimaging singularity spm12

CAT12-docker GitHub release DockerHub pulls

Ready-to-use Docker image with the standalone version of the Computational Anatomy Toolbox (CAT) toolbox for SPM. No MATLAB license required.

Find the image in Docker Hub here.



 docker pull jhuguetn/cat12
 docker run -v /data:/data jhuguetn/cat12 -b /data/matlab_batch_script.m /data/img.nii

Example (segmentation of T1w image)

 docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`/data:/data jhuguetn/cat12 \
 -b /opt/spm/standalone/cat_standalone_segment.m \

Example using singularity (longitudinal segmentation)

You need to make sure to map $HOME/.matlab if you are running in contained mode, because the MCR will write into that folder.

singularity build cat12-latest.sif docker://jhuguetn/cat12:latest
singularity run --cleanenv --contain \
  -B $PWD:/data \
  -B $HOME/.matlab \
  cat12-latest.sif \
  -b /opt/spm/standalone/cat_standalone_segment_long.m /data/my_dataset/sub-01/ses-0{1,2,3}/anat/sub-01_T1w.nii


Jordi Huguet (BarcelonaBeta Brain Research Center)