jhunterh / Cache-Hierarchy-Simulation-Tool

This tool is a highly configurable cache hierarchy simulator for use in computer architecture research and study.
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This tool is a highly configurable cache hierarchy simulator for use in computer architecture research and study.

To Build the Data Generator PIN Tool

In order to build the Data Generator PIN Tool, type "source tool_env.bash" to get the proper environment variables. Next, type "make all" to build the tool.

To run the tool, type "./runDataGeneratorTool.bash " NOTE: It might be necessary to update the permissions on "runDataGeneratorTool.bash" by typing "chmod +x runDataGeneratorTool.bash"

The Data Generator tool will produce a file called "Dataset.zip". This file contains a folder called "data" that contains all of the generated dataset files.

Using a Dataset

To run the simulator with a dataset, unzip the dataset you want to use -> "unzip Dataset.zip" The simulator will look for the "data" folder and automatically parse all of the data files. If you would like to combine datasets into a single larger dataset, simply move all of the data files into a single "data" directory.