jiamingzhang94 / AnyAttack

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AnyAttack: Official Code for "AnyAttack: Towards Large-scale Self-supervised Generation of Targeted Adversarial Examples for Vision-Language Models"

This repository provides the official implementation of the paper "AnyAttack: Towards Large-scale Self-supervised Generation of Targeted Adversarial Examples for Vision-Language Models." Our method demonstrates high effectiveness across a wide range of commercial Vision-Language Models (VLMs).

Example Results Figure: AnyAttack results on various commercial VLMs

Key Features


Step 1: Environment Setup

  1. Create Conda environment for LAVIS:
    Set up the LAVIS environment for BLIP, BLIP2, and InstructBLIP. Follow the instructions here.

  2. Optional: Mini-GPT4 environment: If you plan to evaluate on Mini-GPT4 series models, set up an additional environment according to Mini-GPT4's installation guide.

  3. Data Preparation:

    • Required Datasets:
      • MSCOCO and Flickr30K: Available here.
      • ImageNet: Download and prepare separately.
    • Optional Dataset:
      • LAION-400M: Only required if you plan to pretrain on LAION-400M. Use the img2dataset tool for downloading.

Step 2: Download Checkpoints and JSON Files

Step 3 (Optional): Training and Fine-tuning

You can either use the pretrained weights from Step 2 or train the models from scratch.

  1. Optional: Pretraining on LAION-400M: If you choose to pretrain on LAION-400M:


    Replace "YOUR_LAION_DATASET" with your LAION-400M dataset path.

  2. Fine-tuning on downstream datasets:


    Adjust the dataset, criterion, and data_dir parameters as needed.

Step 4: Generate Adversarial Images

Use the pretrained decoder to generate adversarial images:


Ensure that datasets from Step 1 are stored under the DATASET_BASE_PATH directory, and set PROJECT_PATH to the current project directory.

Step 5: Evaluation

Evaluate the trained models on different tasks:

  1. Image-text retrieval:
  2. Multimodal classification:
    python ./scripts/classification_shell.py
  3. Image captioning:
    python ./scripts/caption_shell.py


We've added a demo.py script for easy demonstration of AnyAttack. This script allows users to generate adversarial examples using a single target image and a clean image.

To run the demo:

python demo.py --decoder_path path/to/decoder.pth --clean_image_path path/to/clean_image.jpg --target_image_path path/to/target_image.jpg --output_path output.png

For more options and details, please refer to the demo.py file.


If you find this work useful for your research, please consider citing:

      title={AnyAttack: Towards Large-scale Self-supervised Generation of Targeted Adversarial Examples for Vision-Language Models}, 
      author={Jiaming Zhang and Junhong Ye and Xingjun Ma and Yige Li and Yunfan Yang and Jitao Sang and Dit-Yan Yeung},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.05346},


For any questions or concerns, please open an issue in this repository or contact the authors directly.