jianlin-cheng / Cryo2Struct

Deep learning tools for converting cryo-EM density maps to protein structures
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Cryo2Struct: De Novo Atomic Protein Structure Modeling for Cryo-EM Density Maps Using 3D Transformer and Hidden Markov Model

Cryo2Struct is a fully automated ab initio cryo-EM structure modeling method that first employs a 3D transformer-based model to identify atoms and amino acid types in cryo-EM density maps. It then utilizes a novel Hidden Markov Model (HMM) to connect predicted atoms, building the backbone structures of proteins. The dataset used to train and validate Cryo2Struct is available on Cryo2StructData Dataverse , and the description of the data preparation and labeling process can be found in Cryo2StructData Paper, Cryo2StructData GitHub. The detailed information about the test datasets including the EMD IDs of the density maps and the evaluation scores are provided in two Excel files (Standard_test_data.xlsx for the standard test dataset and Cryo2Struct_test_data.xlsx for the new test dataset) available at Cryo2Struct Dataverse, and the true structures along with the structural models built by Cryo2Struct is also available in the same Cryo2Struct Dataverse website. Cryo2Struct_overview

Cryo2Struct Capsule on Code Ocean

Cryo2Struct Capsule on Code Ocean is a self-contained, fully pre-configured computing environment that includes Cryo2Struct's code, data, version history, and results. This capsule facilitates effortless replication of results. To access and run the Cryo2Struct Capsule, simply visit the Cryo2Struct Capsule on Code Ocean and click on Reproducible Run. Explore the code, modify parameters, and rerun the experiment to observe the impact on results. Cryo2Struct Capsule is:

Setup Environment (Locally)

To setup Cryo2Struct locally, follow the steps below. It takes about 3-7 minutes to set up the environment to run Cryo2Struct.

Clone this repository and cd into it

git clone https://github.com/jianlin-cheng/Cryo2Struct.git
cd ./Cryo2Struct

We will set up the environment using Anaconda. This is an example of setting up a conda environment to run the code. Use the following command to create the conda environment using the cryo2struct.yml file.

conda env create -f cryo2struct.yml
conda activate cryo2struct

Atomic structure modeling using Cryo2Struct

  1. Input: cryo-EM density map and sequence : First, you need to prepare your own data or use our provided example data. The directory should be organized as follows:
    |── input
    │── 34610
        │-- emd_34610.map
        |-- 8hb0.fasta

    The emd_34610.map is the density map with EMD ID: 34610 downloaded from EMDB website. The 8hb0.fasta is the corresponding sequence file.

The first step is to make input cryo-EM map ready for Cryo2Struct. We run UCSF ChimeraX in non-GUI mode to resample the density map to 1 Angstrom, please install it to preprocess the map. We used ChimeraX 1.4-1 in CentOS 8 system. Once ChimeraX is installed, then please run the following.

bash preprocess/run_data_preparation.bash input/

In the above example input/ is the absolute input path where the maps are present.

Note: For this example, the normalized map is provided, so there is no need to run the above bash command to prepare the map. Hence, the directory structure for this example looks like this:

|── input
    │── 34610
        │-- emd_34610.map
        |-- emd_normalized_map.mrc
        |-- 8hb0.fasta
  1. Running Cryo2Struct The deep learning requires trained atom and amino acid type models. The trained models are available in Cryo2Struct Harvard Dataverse. Use the following to download the trained models.
cd models
wget -O amino_acid_type.ckpt https://dataverse.harvard.edu/api/access/datafile/8076563
wget -O atom_type.ckpt https://dataverse.harvard.edu/api/access/datafile/8076564
cd ..

The organization of the downloaded models should look like:

|── input
    │── 34610
        │-- emd_34610.map
        |-- emd_normalized_map.mrc
        |-- 8hb0.fasta
|── models
    │-- amino_acid_type.ckpt
    |-- atom_type.ckpt
    |-- aa_regression_model.pkl
    |-- ca_regression_model.pkl

Update the configurations in the config/arguments.yml file. Especialy the input data directory, trained model checkpoint path, and density map name. By default the program runs inference in CPU, running the inference program on the GPU speeds up prediction. To enable GPU processing, modify infer_run_on in the configuration file to gpu and provide the GPU device id on infer_on_gpu (example: 0). One way to update the configuration by using visual editor (vi).

vi config/arguments.yml

Compile Modified Viterbi algorithm: The Hidden Markov Model-guided carbon-alpha alignment programs are available in viterbi/. The alignment algorithm is written in C++ program, so compile them using:

cd viterbi
g++ -fPIC -shared -o viterbi.so viterbi.cpp -O3
cd ..

During the compilation, if the program asks for installation of gcc-c++ package, then install it following the instructions. GCC C++ compiler is required to compile viterbi.cpp.

If the compilation of the program fails due to library issues (which typically occurs when attempting to compile on older systems), you can try compiling using the following approach:

cd viterbi
conda install -c conda-forge gxx
g++ -fPIC -shared -o viterbi.so viterbi.cpp -O3
cd ..

The above command installs the gxx package in the activated conda environment, which provides the GCC C++ compiler. This compiler is useful for compiling C++ code on the system. The HMM alignment program runs on the CPU and is optimized at the highest level using the-O3 flag. We tested, and the above compilation was successful on CentOS 7, 8, and AlmaLinux OS 8.8, 8.9.

Finally, run the following:

python3 cryo2struct.py --density_map_name 34610
  1. Output: Modeled atomic structure The output model is saved in the density map's directory. The modeled atomic structure for this example is saved as input/34610/34610_cryo2struct_full_conf_score.pdb. To visualize the structure, use UCSF ChimeraX. To enable the color spectrum (confidence score) in UCSF ChimeraX, navigate to Tools > Depiction > Render by Attribute and select 'bfactor' as the attribute. It took 9.19 minutes to model the structure for cryo-EM density map 34610.

  2. Confidence Scores: Cryo2Struct provides a per-residue estimation of confidence within the range of [0, 1] for both carbon-alpha and amino acid type predictions. An example confidence score file and plot are available in input/34610/.


The evaluation results presented in the paper is computed using Phenix's chain_comparison tool and US-align. US-align can be run in it's web server, however, the Phenix needs to be installed locally to compute the metrics. After installation of Phenix tool, run the following:

phenix.chain_comparison target.pdb query.pdb

Training Cryo2Struct Deep Learning

The training programs are available in the train/ directory. Cryo2Struct was trained on Cryo2StructData, which is accessible on the Cryo2StructData Dataverse. Download the full dataset from Cryo2Struct Full Dataset or a small subset from Cryo2Struct Small Subsample Dataset. After downloading the dataset, unzip the compressed files. The directory names are the EMD ID of the cryo-EM density map.

The dataset contains the preprocessed map ready for deep learning training. However, the cryo-EM density map label needs to be prepared. Run the following

python3 label/get_atoms_label.py density_map_directory
python3 label/get_amino_labels.py density_map_directory

The density_map_directory is the absolute directory path where unzipped cryo-EM density maps are present. The above scripts generate the atom and amino acid-type labels, which are used during the training of the deep learning model.

Split the data into training and validation sets. If you choose to use our predefined training and validation splits, refer to the Excel sheet in Cryo2Struct Metadata, which contains the IDs for the training and validation cryo-EM density maps. Create separate directories for training and validation, and move the corresponding data to each directory.

Generate sub-grids of cryo-EM density maps from training and validation dataset for training. These sub-grids are used for training the model. Run the following:

python3 train/grid_division_train.py train_map_directory train_sub_grids
python3 train/grid_division_train.py valid_map_directory valid_sub_grids

The train_map_directory is the directory containing training cryo-EM density maps, and train_sub_grids is the directory where the training sub-grids will be generated. Similarly, valid_map_directory is the directory containing validation cryo-EM density maps, and valid_sub_grids is the directory where the validation sub-grids will be generated. After generation of sub-grids, run:

ls train_sub_grids > train_splits.txt
ls valid_sub_grids > valid_splits.txt

We used the distributed data parallel (DDP) technique to train the models on 24 compute nodes, each equipped with 6 NVIDIA V100 GPUs with 32GB of memory. The training program can run on a single GPU, multiple GPUs, or a multi-node cluster with multiple GPUs. Finally, in the training scripts train/cryo2struct_atom_train.py and train/cryo2struct_amino_train.py change the values in AVAIL_GPUS to the number of GPUs available in the compute node, NUM_NODES to the number of available compute nodes, and set BATCH_SIZE, and DATASET_DIR to the path of the Cryo2Struct directory. Then, train the model by running:

python3 train/cryo2struct_amino_train.py    #trains amino acid-type prediction model
python3 train/cryo2struct_atom_train.py     #trains atom type prediction model

Monitor the training progress in Weights and Biases.

Optional: The source code for data preprocessing, label generation and validation of training data is available at Cryo2StructData GitHub repository.

Contact Information

If you have any question, feel free to open an issue or reach out to us: ngzvh@missouri.edu, chengji@missouri.edu.


We thank computing resource Summit supercomputer at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility for supporting training of the deep learning model. Additionally, we appreciate the High-Performance Computing (HPC) resource, Hellbender, located at the University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, which was used for both the inference and alignment process.

Citing this work

If you use the code or data in this package, please cite:

@article {Cryo2Struct,
    author = {Nabin Giri and Jianlin Cheng},
    title = {De Novo Atomic Protein Structure Modeling for Cryo-EM Density Maps Using 3D Transformer and Hidden Markov Model},
    elocation-id = {2024.01.02.573943},
    year = {2024},
    doi = {10.1101/2024.01.02.573943},
    publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory},
    URL = {https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2024/01/02/2024.01.02.573943},
    eprint = {https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2024/01/02/2024.01.02.573943.full.pdf},
    journal = {bioRxiv}

Visualizing the Atomic Structure Modeled by Cryo2Struct

The superimposition of the predicted backbone structure (in blue) with the known backbone structure (in gold) of EMD ID: 34610. The density map has a resolution of 2.9 Angstroms and was released on 2023-11-01.
