Open james-vincent opened 1 month ago
Thank you for raising this issue
We very much prefer using pixi lately, instead of conda/mamba/miniconda etc. If it helps, here is the pixi.toml file that worked for us to install cryosegnet. It does not use the conda 'defaults' channel. This was installed on an Alma8 machine.
name = "cryosegnet"
version = "1.0.0"
description = "cryo-EM protein particle picking"
channels = ["pytorch", "nvidia", "conda-forge"]
platforms = ["linux-64"]
linux = "3.10.0"
_libgcc_mutex = "0.1.*"
_openmp_mutex = "*"
blas = "1.0.*"
brotlipy = "0.7.0.*"
bzip2 = "1.0.8.*"
ca-certificates = "2023.7.22.*"
certifi = "2023.7.22.*"
cffi = "1.15.1.*"
charset-normalizer = "2.0.4.*"
cryptography = "41.0.3.*"
cuda-cudart = "11.8.89.*"
cuda-cupti = "11.8.87.*"
cuda-libraries = "11.8.0.*"
cuda-nvrtc = "11.8.89.*"
cuda-nvtx = "11.8.86.*"
cuda-runtime = "11.8.0.*"
ffmpeg = "*"
filelock = "3.9.0.*"
freetype = "2.12.1.*"
giflib = "5.2.1.*"
gmp = "*"
gmpy2 = "*"
gnutls = "*"
idna = "3.4.*"
jinja2 = "3.1.2.*"
jpeg = "9e.*"
lame = "3.100.*"
lcms2 = "*"
ld_impl_linux-64 = "2.43.*"
lerc = "*"
libcublas = "*"
libcufft = "*"
libcufile = "*"
libcurand = "*"
libcusolver = "*"
libcusparse = "*"
libdeflate = "*"
libffi = "3.4.2.*"
libgcc-ng = "*"
libgomp = "*"
libiconv = "1.16.*"
libidn2 = "2.3.4.*"
libnpp = "*"
libnvjpeg = "*"
libpng = "1.6.39.*"
libstdcxx-ng = "*"
libtasn1 = "4.19.0.*"
libtiff = "*"
libunistring = "0.9.10.*"
libwebp = "*"
libwebp-base = "1.2.4.*"
lz4-c = "1.9.4.*"
markupsafe = "2.1.1.*"
mkl = "*"
mkl-service = "*"
mkl_fft = "*"
mkl_random = "*"
mpc = "1.1.0.*"
mpfr = "4.0.2.*"
mpmath = "1.3.0.*"
ncurses = "6.4.*"
nettle = "*"
networkx = "3.1.*"
numpy = "1.24.*"
openh264 = "2.1.1.*"
openssl = "*"
pillow = "*"
pip = "23.2.1.*"
pycparser = "2.21.*"
pyopenssl = "23.2.0.*"
pysocks = "1.7.1.*"
python = "3.8.18.*"
pytorch = "2.0.1.*"
pytorch-cuda = "11.8.*"
pytorch-mutex = "1.0.*"
readline = "8.2.*"
requests = "2.31.0.*"
setuptools = "68.0.0.*"
sqlite = "*"
sympy = "1.11.1.*"
tbb = "*"
tk = "*"
torchaudio = "2.0.2.*"
torchtriton = "2.0.0.*"
torchvision = "0.15.2.*"
typing_extensions = "4.7.1.*"
urllib3 = "1.26.16.*"
wheel = "0.38.4.*"
xz = "*"
zlib = "1.2.13.*"
zstd = "1.5.5.*"
appdirs = { version = "==1.4.4" }
click = { version = "==8.1.7" }
cycler = { version = "==0.11.0" }
docker-pycreds = { version = "==0.4.0" }
fonttools = { version = "==4.42.1" }
gitdb = { version = "==4.0.10" }
gitpython = { version = "==3.1.36" }
kiwisolver = { version = "==1.4.5" }
matplotlib = { version = "==3.5.2" }
mrcfile = { version = "==1.4.3" }
opencv-python = { version = "==" }
packaging = { version = "==23.1" }
pathtools = { version = "==0.1.2" }
protobuf = { version = "==4.24.3" }
psutil = { version = "==5.9.5" }
pyparsing = { version = "==3.1.1" }
python-dateutil = { version = "==2.8.2" }
pyyaml = { version = "==6.0.1" }
scipy = { version = "==1.9.1" }
segment-anything = { version = "==1.0" }
sentry-sdk = { version = "==1.31.0" }
setproctitle = { version = "==1.3.2" }
six = { version = "==1.16.0" }
smmap = { version = "==5.0.0" }
tqdm = { version = "==4.64.1" }
wandb = { version = "==0.13.10" }
Thank you so much for coming up with this new solution. We really appreciate your hard work.
The Anaconda 'default's channel now requires a paid license for many institutions. Could you please rework the environment to use only conda-forge and not defaults?