Open nicksunderland opened 1 month ago
Hi thanks for the great software,
I have been looking at the estimated bxy values used during the conditional analyses.
Is the ldsc_slope derived value ever used, over the gsmr_meta derived value?
ldsc_slope: ?overwritten with gsmr_meta at:
gsmr_rst = gsmr_meta(snp_instru, _meta_snp_b.col(i), _meta_snp_se.col(i), _meta_snp_pval.col(i), _meta_snp_b.col(0), _meta_snp_se.col(0), _meta_snp_pval.col(0), 0, snp_pair_flag, gwas_thresh, clump_wind_size, clump_r2_thresh, std_heidi_thresh, global_heidi_thresh, ld_fdr_thresh, nsnp_gsmr, pleio_snps, err_msg); if(std::isnan(gsmr_rst[3])) { LOGGER.w(0, err_msg); LOGGER.i(0, "bxy is estimated from rg."); bxy_est(i-1) = ldsc_slope(i,0)*sqrt(ldsc_slope(0,0)/ldsc_slope(i,i)); LOGGER.i(0, "bxy " + to_string(gsmr_rst[0]) + " " + to_string(gsmr_rst[1])); } // Saving pleiotropic SNPs if(pleio_snps.size() > 0) { ss_pleio << _covar_pheno_name[i-1] << " " << _target_pheno_name << " " << pleio_snps << endl; pleio_flag = true; } bxy_est(i-1) = gsmr_rst[0]; LOGGER.i(0, "bxy " + to_string(gsmr_rst[0]) + " " + to_string(gsmr_rst[1])); LOGGER.i(0, "GSMR analysis for covariate #" + to_string(i) + " (" + trait_name[i] + ") completed.");
Or is it just for printing / reporting purposes?
Hi thanks for the great software,
I have been looking at the estimated bxy values used during the conditional analyses.
Is the ldsc_slope derived value ever used, over the gsmr_meta derived value?
ldsc_slope: ?overwritten with gsmr_meta at:
Or is it just for printing / reporting purposes?