jianyangqt / gcta

GCTA software
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Request – add option for user-specified trait variance for COJO #45

Open Sodbo opened 1 year ago

Sodbo commented 1 year ago

Use case for COJO: User wants to run the COJO for a specific locus, having only locus-wide (not genome-wide) summary stats

How it works now: gcta --bfile <bfile> --cojo-p <p treshhold> --extract <snp.list.in.locus> --cojo-file <locus_wide_summary_stats> --cojo-slct --out <output_file>

Problem: gcta COJO will calculate trait variance based on locus-wide summary stats. But according to the instructions, user should not do this. Although, instructions propose to combine input of full GWAS summary stats with --extract option, this does not help, when user does not have full GWAS summary stats.

2) Please always input the summary statistics of all SNPs even if your analysis only focuses on a subset of SNPs because the program needs the summary data of all SNPs to calculate the phenotypic variance. You can use one of the --extract options (Data management) to limit the COJO analysis in a certain genomic region. https://yanglab.westlake.edu.cn/software/gcta/#COJO


Can you please add kinda --var <trait variance>, so user can specify the trait variance with no need to estimate it from input summary stats?

Sodbo Sharapov sodbo.sharapov@fht.org