jibe-b / training-material

A collection of training material from offered Galaxy courses
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This repository will be moved to the https://github.com/galaxyproject as soon as we are confident about our guidelines and our initial training material.

Training material

topic features
Genome Annotation :book:
RNA-seq :whale: :movie_camera: :page_facing_up: :book:
ChIP-seq :book:
Exome-seq :whale: :book: :mortar_board: :eyes:
MethylC-seq :book:
Galaxy Introduction :book:
Data Sources :book:
Galaxy Tool Dev :book:
Galaxy Docker Project :book:

The Galaxy community offers many different ways of training. The table above lists all available training features of a specific topic to give you a fast and comprehensive overview.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Acknowledgment and Funding

We would like to thank all contributors to our Galaxy courses, especially those mentioned in the Contributors list, the Galaxy community for their constant support and our funding partners.

You want to help us on this project? Please, see the CONTRIBUTING file.