jibon57 / nativescript-braintree

Braintree Payments (Drop-in) plugin for NativeScript
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 11 forks source link
android braintree-dropin braintree-payments braintree-payments-plugin nativescript nativescript-braintree paypal

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Braintree Payment NativeScript plugin for Android & iOS (9+). Works with NS 6+

Detail information here:



You will need a Server to Generate a client token. You can follow here: https://developers.braintreepayments.com/start/hello-server/php

Note: Your app's package ID should be lowercase letters. If your package contains underscores, the underscores should be removed. Detail: https://developers.braintreepayments.com/guides/client-sdk/setup/android/v2#browser-switch-setup

For iOS (Important)

For Paypal & Venmo setup, must need to follow bellow setup-ios-paypal--venmo



iOS (9+)


Nativescript 7+:

tns plugin add nativescript-braintree

NativeScript 5-6

tns plugin add nativescript-braintree@2.0.9

NativeScript 4.x

tns plugin add nativescript-braintree@2.0.1


import { Braintree, BrainTreeOptions } from 'nativescript-braintree';

let opts :BrainTreeOptions = {
  amount: "10.0",
  collectDeviceData: true,
  requestThreeDSecureVerification: false

let token = token; //Get the token from server. https://developers.braintreepayments.com/start/hello-server/php

let braintree = new Braintree();

braintree.startPayment(token, opt);

braintree.on("success", function (res) {
    let output = res.object.get("output");

braintree.on("cancel", function (res) {
    let output = res.object.get("output");

braintree.on("error", function (res) {
    let output = res.object.get("output");

Set up Apple Pay

If you want to use Apple Pay there are a few steps you must complete.

  1. Set up your Apple Pay Certificate in Braintree and in the Apple Developer Portal Follow the configuration steps here: https://developers.braintreepayments.com/guides/apple-pay/configuration/ios/v4

  2. To prevent compiler errors and to provide intellisense when working with native iOS classes add tns-platform-declarations to your project. Here is a video guide showing how to do that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vz7qfpeghFs

Note: It was implemented this way so that the developer has more customization capabilities rather than putting some of this logic inside the plugin which might be harder for authors to modify if needed.

  1. Populate applePayPaymentRequest property on the BrainTreeOptions class depending on how you want the Apple Pay prompt to look.

Note: The apple pay prompt will make the last item in the paymentSummaryItems show like a total. Therefore you can just add the summary/total item manually or put a summary/total item at the end of the applePayLineItems array.

Itemized Apple Pay

Itemized Apple Pay screenshot

If you want an itemized prompt like above, do the following:

import { Braintree, BrainTreeOptions, ApplePayLineItem } from 'nativescript-braintree';

let applePayPaymentRequestObj = PKPaymentRequest.alloc().init();

// If you want to show an itemized Apple Pay prompt.
let applePayLineItems = [
                label: "Service",
                amount: 0.02
                label: "Delivery",
                amount: 0.03
            label: "Company Name",
        amount: 0.05

let lineItemsArray = [];

applePayLineItems.map((lineItem: ApplePayLineItem) => {

let pkSummaryItem = PKPaymentSummaryItem.summaryItemWithLabelAmount(lineItem.label, NSDecimalNumber.decimalNumberWithString(lineItem.amount.toString()));


let paymentSummaryArray = NSArray.alloc().initWithArray(lineItemsArray);

applePayPaymentRequestObj.paymentSummaryItems = paymentSummaryArray as NSArray<PKPaymentSummaryItem>;
applePayPaymentRequestObj.countryCode = "US";
applePayPaymentRequestObj.currencyCode = "USD";
applePayPaymentRequestObj.merchantIdentifier = "YOUR_MERCHANT_IDENTIFIER";
applePayPaymentRequestObj.merchantCapabilities = PKMerchantCapability.Capability3DS;

// Configure your allowed networks
let networksArray = NSArray.alloc().initWithArray([

applePayPaymentRequestObj.supportedNetworks = networksArray as NSArray<string>;

let opt: BrainTreeOptions = {
    amount: "0.01", // This is ignored if Apple Pay is the selected payment method
    collectDeviceData: false,
    requestThreeDSecureVerification: true,
    // Apple Pay payment request
    applePayPaymentRequest: applePayPaymentRequestObj,

Summary Apple Pay

Summary Apple Pay screenshot

If you want a summary prompt like above, do the following:

import { Braintree, BrainTreeOptions, ApplePayLineItem } from 'nativescript-braintree';

let applePayPaymentRequestObj = PKPaymentRequest.alloc().init();

// If you want to show a summary Apple Pay prompt.
let applePayLineItems = [
            label: "Company Name",
        amount: 0.02

let lineItemsArray = [];

applePayLineItems.map((lineItem: ApplePayLineItem) => {

let pkSummaryItem = PKPaymentSummaryItem.summaryItemWithLabelAmount(lineItem.label, NSDecimalNumber.decimalNumberWithString(lineItem.amount.toString()));


let paymentSummaryArray = NSArray.alloc().initWithArray(lineItemsArray);

applePayPaymentRequestObj.paymentSummaryItems = paymentSummaryArray as NSArray<PKPaymentSummaryItem>;
applePayPaymentRequestObj.countryCode = "US";
applePayPaymentRequestObj.currencyCode = "USD";
applePayPaymentRequestObj.merchantIdentifier = "YOUR_MERCHANT_IDENTIFIER";
applePayPaymentRequestObj.merchantCapabilities = PKMerchantCapability.Capability3DS;

// Configure your allowed networks
let networksArray = NSArray.alloc().initWithArray([

applePayPaymentRequestObj.supportedNetworks = networksArray as NSArray<string>;

let opt: BrainTreeOptions = {
    amount: "0.01", // This is ignored if Apple Pay is the selected payment method
    collectDeviceData: false,
    requestThreeDSecureVerification: true,
    // Apple Pay payment request
    applePayPaymentRequest: applePayPaymentRequestObj,

Setup Google Pay

In order to utilize the Google Pay services you must ensure you have set up the required meta tag in your AndroidManifest.xml detailed here: https://developers.braintreepayments.com/guides/google-pay/client-side/android/v3

Also be sure to provide the a currency code in the BrainTreeOptions, as this is required.

let opts: BrainTreeOptions = {
            amount: "0.01",
            collectDeviceData: false,
            requestThreeDSecureVerification: true,
            enableGooglePay: true, // need to do additional setup for android. Please check demo project. Details: https://developers.braintreepayments.com/guides/google-pay/client-side/android/v3#add-google-play-services-wallet
            currencyCode: "USD"

Setup iOS paypal & Venmo.

If you want to use Paypal & Venmo then you will need to edit your app Info.plist file which is located app/App_Resources/iOS/Info.plist to add URL scheme like this:


This scheme must start with your app's Bundle ID and be dedicated to Braintree app switch returns. For example, if the app bundle ID is com.yourcompany.yourapp, then your URL scheme could be com.yourcompany.yourapp.payments or com.yourcompany.yourapp.anything. Above I used org.nativescript.demo.payments because app's bundle ID is org.nativescript.demo & we will need this value below.

Now open your app.ts or main.ts (for Angular) file. Add following lines before application.start({ moduleName: "main-page" }); or platformNativeScriptDynamic().bootstrapModule(AppModule); (Angular).

import * as app from "application";
import { setupBraintreeAppDeligate } from "nativescript-braintree"

if (app.ios) {




ref: https://developers.braintreepayments.com/guides/paypal/client-side/ios/v4

Using 3D Secure

In order to use 3D Secure payments which is required to satisfy PSD2 Strong Consumer Authentication (SCA) compliance requirements you should set requestThreeDSecureVerification: true in your options. Also it is required to set an amount.


Special thanks to @Pip3r4o, @TylerBlakeLOU, @SamGosman


Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004