jieter / Leaflet-semicircle

Extend Leaflet's circle class to display semicircles.
MIT License
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Allows drawing semicircles on leaflet maps.

It's an extension of Leaflet's L.Circle, and behaves like L.Circle if the a semicircle of almost 360 degrees is displayed.

Updated for use with leaflet 1.1.0.

Provided classes:

## Provided methods: ##
L.SemiCircle/ L.SemiCircleMarker
factories: L.semiCircle/L.SemiCircleMarker
startAngle: start angle of the semicircle
stopAngle: stop angle of the semicircle
Angles are defined like compass courses: 0 = north, 90 = east, etc.
L.SemiCircle.setStartAngle(angle) Set the start angle of the circle to angle and redraw.
L.Circle.setStopAngle(angle) Set the stop angle of the circle to angle and redraw.
L.Circle.setDirection(direction, size) Set the startAngle to direction - (0.5 * size) and the stopAngle to direction + (0.5 * size) and redraw.
## Usage: The plugin provides two ways to only display a part of the circle: 1. Use the `options` map and set `startAngle` and `stopAngle`. 2. Use `setDirection(direction, size)` to display a semicircle of `size` degrees at `direction`. ## Example: [Live demo](http://jieter.github.io/Leaflet-semicircle/examples/semicircle.html) Using `options.startAngle` and `options.stopAngle`: ``` L.semiCircle([51.5, -0.09], { radius: 500, startAngle: 45, stopAngle: 135 }).addTo(map); ``` Draw the same semicircle using `setDirection(direction, size)`: ``` L.semiCircle([51.5, -0.09], {radius: 500}) .setDirection(90, 90) .addTo(map); ``` ## Screenshot: [Live demo](http://jieter.github.io/Leaflet-semicircle/examples/semicircle.html) ![Semicircles screenshot](screenshot.png) ## Changelog ### 2.0.2 (2017-09-01) - Fixed #24: instance check for canvas renderer ### 2.0.1 (2017-07-22) - Fixed #14: Poleward displacement of circle center when radius is large. ### 2.0.0 (2017-07-09) - Changed the API to stand-alone classes rather than overwriting `L.Circle` with an extension of itself. - Added support for Leaflet 1.1.0