jiitopticachapter / Optica-Hack-Fest

A friendly repository to contribute of Hacktober fest
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Optica Hack-Fest:

Welcome to Optica Hack Fest! This repository is open for Hacktoberfest, and we are excited to see contributions from developers of all experience levels. To ensure high-quality contributions and maintainable commit history, please follow our contribution guidelines and use the Conventional Commits standard for your commit messages.

What is Hacktoberfest?

Hacktoberfest is an annual event sponsored by DigitalOcean and other partners that promotes participation in open-source projects. It takes place every October, encouraging people to contribute to repositories that have opted into Hacktoberfest. Anyone can participate by creating pull requests to help improve open-source projects.

How to Participate in Hacktoberfest

  1. Register for Hacktoberfest on the official website.
  2. Look for repositories that have the hacktoberfest topic (like this one!).
  3. Submit at least 4 pull requests to any Hacktoberfest-approved repositories during October.
  4. Make sure your PRs get accepted and merged by maintainers to qualify for the rewards.

Contributors can earn either a Hacktoberfest t-shirt or have a tree planted in their name.

Contribution Guidelines

We welcome all kinds of contributions including bug fixes, feature enhancements, documentation improvements, and more. To get started:

  1. Fork this repository to your own GitHub account.

  2. Clone the repository to your local machine.

    git clone https://github.com/jiitopticachapter/Optica-Hack-Fest.git
    cd Optica-Hack-Fest
  3. Create a new branch for your changes:

    git checkout -b feature-or-bugfix-name
  4. Make your changes or improvements and create folder with name Task_name_Your_github_userName (check Issues for the tasks).

  5. Commit your changes using the Conventional Commits format (explained below).

  6. Push to your fork and submit a pull request to this repository.

What are Conventional Commits?

Conventional Commits is a commit message convention that provides an easy-to-follow, consistent way of writing meaningful commit messages. It helps maintainers quickly understand what each commit does and improves the overall development workflow.

Conventional Commits Format

A Conventional Commit has the following format:

<type>(optional scope): <description>

[optional body]

[optional footer]

Common Commit Types

Example of a Conventional Commit

git commit -m "feat(auth): add login functionality"

This commit adds a new feature (feat) in the auth module, specifically the login functionality.

Breaking Changes

For breaking changes, add a BREAKING CHANGE: footer to the commit message:

feat(auth): change authentication method

BREAKING CHANGE: The authentication method has been updated to OAuth 2.0. Previous tokens will no longer work.

How to Make a Conventional Commit

  1. After making changes to your code, stage the changes:

    git add .
  2. Commit your changes following the Conventional Commits format:

    git commit -m "fix(blog): correct date sorting issue"
  3. Push your changes to your branch:

    git push origin feature-or-bugfix-name
  4. Submit a pull request with a detailed description of what your contribution is about.

Code of Conduct

We expect all contributors to follow our Code of Conduct to ensure a welcoming environment for everyone.


For any questions or issues, feel free to open an issue or contact us directly.

Happy coding and thank you for your contribution!