jilleb / mib2-toolbox

The ultimate MIB2-HIGH toolbox.
MIT License
621 stars 145 forks source link
infotainment mib2 volkswagen

MIB2 High toolbox

The ultimate MIB2-HIGH toolbox for all your MIB2 High customization needs.

Note: this screen has the potential to ruin your MIB2 HIGH unit. The developers are not responsible for any troubles to anyone or anything caused by this toolbox. It's never our intention to harm any person, car or brand. Use the tools wisely, don't be a douche.

Note2: This is not a universal Jailbreak-like solution for all your needs and firmware versions.

Note3: If you're a business that tries to make a profit off of this: Don't be an asshole, don't charge money for this. This project is done in our free time, out of love for the community. I've risked bricking my own hardware while testing, and invested a lot of time in the research. Instead of making money, why not support this project with your knowledge or a small donation or become a Patreon.


Optional requirements

How to install

The MQB Coding toolbox menu

How to do a manual installation

Green menu screen overview:

MQBCoding Main
+---Customization                       # Customization features
|   +---Adaptations                     # Adaptation channels
|       +---CarDeviceBUSAssignment
|       +---CarFunctionsList_BAP
|       +---CarFunctionsList_CAN
|       +---CarMenuOperation
|       +---HMI_FunctionBlockingTable
|       +---RCCAdaptions
|       +---VariantInfo
|       +---VehicleConfiguration
|       +---WLAN
|   +---Advanced                        # Import shadow file, FECs pf.conf and such
|   +---AndroidAuto                     # Android Auto custom apps patch
|   +---Coding                          # Long coding editor
|   +---Display                         # Displaymanager and other related features
|   +---GreenMenu                       # Import new GreenMenu screens and scripts
|   +---Language                        # Replacing language data
|   +---Navigation                      # Navigation tweaks, mapstyles switching
|   +---Privacy                         # Privacy features
|   +---Skin                            # Skin graphics import
|   +---Sounds                          # Sounds import (experimental)
|   +---Startup                         # Startup graphics import
|   +---Updates                         # Custom SWDL modes and emergency
|   +---Various                         # Various tweaks
+---Disclaimer                          # Some wise words
+---Dump                                # Dump various data to SD-card
+---History                             # Version history of the Toolbox
+---MIB_Information                     # Information about the unit
|   +---Password                        # Password finder
+---Uninstall                           # Uninstalls and or cleans up the MIB Toolbox

How to use the new screens

Most screens have a description inside, or show information when running a script. It's always wise to have an SD-card in slot 1.


Here you can dump various things which you need to customise you unit. Make sure a SD-card is inserted.



This screen has 2 buttons:


This screen lets you install new images.mcf for each of the 6 skin-folders, from the SkinFiles folder on your SD-card. Use the dump files as a guideline. Don't install any files that are meant for other firmwares because it will mess up your graphics and functionalities of your infotainment unit. This screen will also let you recover the skins from backup.


This screen will let you import new .esd files from the GreenMenu folder on your SD-card.

How to use the tools

In the Tools folder you will find a couple of tools:

These are Python-scripts to extract startup screen files (.canim files) in 2 formats. If one of the scripts doesn't extract your canim, try the other one. Both work in the same way: extract_canim.py , for instance:

extract_canim.py test.canim .\testfiles\

This a python script to extract skinfile containers (mcf) and it works similar to the canim-extract: extract_mcf.py , for instance:

extract_mcf.py images.mcf .\extracted\

This is the script to compress the startup-screens. Make sure you use the same compress-method you used when extracting. Usage: compress-canim.py , for instance:

compress-canim.py test.canim modified.canim .\testfiles\

compress-mcf.py images.mcf images2.mcf .\extracted\

extract-cff.py images.cff c:\extracted\


If you run into any issues, consult the F.A.Q..

Supported firmware versions

This toolbox probably doesn't work on all available firmware versions but the current SD-card installtion proves to be mostly compatible with most firmwares.


Warning These screens have the potential to break your unit and void your warranty. Be careful. We are not responsible for any troubles to you, your car or software. MQB Coding is always looking for cool hacks and retrofits to increase the potential of the MQB platform. It's never our intention to harm any person, car or brand.

Support this project

You're always welcome to support this project with your knowledge, ideas or a small donation to my Paypal or Patreon.