jimm98y / SharpRTSPtoWebRTC

A C# implementation of the RTSP to WebRTC gateway that allows you to stream RTSP from various sources to the web browser. It is implemented in netstandard2.0 without any native dependencies. Supports H264 and H265 re-streaming (H265 in WebRTC is only available in Safari). Audio transcoding from AAC to Opus is also supported.
MIT License
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SharpRTSP to WebRTC

This is a proof of concept bridge in between RTSP and WebRTC implemented in C#. It can take any H264/H265 RTSP stream and feed it through WebRTC to the web browser. It does not perform any video transcoding which makes it lightweight and portable. It does support audio transcoding from AAC to Opus, all implemented in netstandard without any native dependencies.

What can it do?



Because no video transcoding is being performed, the web browsers must support decoding of the source video codecs in WebRTC.


This should be supported by the majority of web browsers as it is among the codecs required by WebRTC. There might be an exception for Firefox on Android according to this: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Media/Formats/WebRTC_codecs.


Although most of the web browsers today support H265 video decoding, it does not mean H265 will also work in WebRTC. As of June 2023, H265 in WebRTC is only supported in Safari as an experimental feature. It has to be explicitly enabled by the user in Develop -> Experimental Features -> WebRTC H265 Codec. After enabling this option you should be able to play H265 video in the browser.



There is a sample ASP.NET Core app that demonstrates the functionality on multiple live streams. To change the default configuration, just modify the appsettings.json:

"Cameras": [
      "Name": "name1",
      "Url": "rtsp://url1",
      "UserName": "MyUserName",
      "Password": "MyPassword"
      "Name": "name2",
      "Url": "rtsp://url2",
      "UserName": null,
      "Password": null

Minimal example

In Startup.cs, add the following piece of code to register the RTSPtoWebRTCProxyService:


Then (optionally) add the configuration of streams from appsettings.json:


Implement a minimal WebRTC signalling controller, for instance:

public class WebRTCController : ControllerBase
    private readonly IList<CameraConfiguration> _cameras;
    private readonly RTSPtoWebRTCProxyService _webRTCServer;

    public WebRTCController(IOptions<List<CameraConfiguration>> cameras, RTSPtoWebRTCProxyService webRTCServer)
        _cameras = cameras.Value;
        _webRTCServer = webRTCServer;

    public IActionResult GetCameras()
        return Ok(_cameras.Select(x => x.Name).ToList());

    public async Task<IActionResult> GetOffer(string id, string name)
        return Ok(await _webRTCServer.GetOfferAsync(id, camera.Url, camera.UserName, camera.Password));

    public IActionResult SetAnswer(string id, [FromBody] RTCSessionDescriptionInit answer)
        _webRTCServer.SetAnswer(id, answer);
        return Ok();

    public IActionResult AddIceCandidate(string id, [FromBody] RTCIceCandidateInit iceCandidate)
        _webRTCServer.AddIceCandidate(id, iceCandidate);
        return Ok();

Finally, for the WebRTC viewer you can refer to src/RTSPtoWebRTCGateway/ClientApp/src/components/CameraViewer.js.
