jimmie33 / Hierarchy_Ensemble

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  1. Description of this Software

This software is an online multi-person tracking system. Its features are listed as below:

a. It does not require calibration information. b. It uses single camera. c. It does not adopt any sliding window techniques or batch processing, i.e, it dose not look into the future. d. Given detections, it can process about 7 fps of a 700X600 video on a modern machine. e. It can work with the generic HOG detector in OpenCV.

Currently, it should work well with mid or low-density scenes captrured by a narrow angle camera at a high position from ground, which gives less perspective distortion (like the Town Center data set). For cameras put at a low position, this system may give poorer performance due to the lack of calibration information and severe occlusion in the scenes.

  1. How to Compile

Platform: Windows, Linux Prerequisite libraries: iconv, libxml2, opencv 2.3+

a. Install all the dependencies specified above. b. Put this source code in your local directory. c. Use CMake to generate a project file or a make file. You may need to input the paths for the required libraries. (For the use of CMake, please check online resources.) d. Build the generated project file or make file. e. Don't forget to put the config.txt together with the executable.

  1. How to Use


a. Hierarchy_Ensemble b. Hierarchy_Ensemble

: the path of the directory containing images or the path of the video : '1' for image format sequence, '0' the video format sequence : the xml detection file, whose structure should follow the example in the supplementary files When is not specified, the program will use the HOG detector to detect pedestrians online; Otherwise, the xml file specified will be read to get the detection results in it. For the exact structure of the detection file, see the example files in the supplementary files. Before running the program, you may need to change the parameters stored in 'config.txt'. There are detailed explanations and recommended values in it. EXAMPLE: a. Hierarchy_Ensemble C:/video_data/TownCentreXVID.avi 0 (The program will use the OpenCV's HOG detector) b. Hierarchy_Ensemble C:/video_data/PETS09S2L1/ 1 PETS09_S2L1_det_opencv.xml (The program will read the images stored in the directory and use the detection xml file as the source of detections) NOTE: (*) When the program is running, type 'p' to pause and 'q' to quit. (**) The tracking result will be recorded in a file named "output.xml".