jimmywarting / not-a-log

A tiny console interface that returns everything as a string
MIT License
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Not a log

A tiny (20-line) console interface that returns everything as a string

Turns out that you can (Just in NodeJS) by constructing a new Console that redirects stdout/stderr to a node stream that you can then read from. This package will do just that. This wraps all the console methods in a Proxy, read everything that was dumped to the stream and return what it just spit out as a string.

So to live up to it's name it dose not log anything to the terminal, it simply returns everything as a string 😁


Using console as a template literal instead of using es6 tmpl syntax
import logger from 'not-a-log'

const str = logger.log(
  'Logged message "%s" at level %d with object %o at time %s',
  lastMsg, lastLevel, lastObj, lastTime
console.assert(str === 'Logged message "hi" at level 30 with object { a: 1 } at time 1531590545089')
Get a list of people and output the result to a http request
import http from 'node:http'
import logger from 'not-a-log'

// an array of objects
function Person(firstName, lastName) {
  this.firstName = firstName
  this.lastName = lastName

http.createServer((req, res) => {
  const john = new Person('John', 'Smith')
  const jane = new Person('Jane', 'Doe')
  const emily = new Person('Emily', 'Jones')
  const str = logger.table([john, jane, emily])
  /* what gets written
  │ (index) │ firstName │ lastName │
  │    0    │  'John'   │ 'Smith'  │
  │    1    │  'Jane'   │  'Doe'   │
  │    2    │  'Emily'  │ 'Jones'  │
Getting the time in MS from console.time
import logger from 'not-a-log'
import fetch from 'node-fetch'


const res = await fetch('https://httpbin.org/get')
console.log('Time it took to make the Request' logger.timeLog('req'))

const arrayBuffer = await res.arrayBuffer()
const time = logger.timeEnd('req').split(': ')[1]

console.log(`Total time for both Req+Res to httpbin was ${time}`)
Other stuff
import logger from 'not-a-log'

const stackTrace = logger.trace('Houston, we got a problem')

const count = logger.count('Made a request')

let str = logger.group('Something')
str += logger.log('Nested deeply')
str += logger.info('below, under `Something`')

// You get the idea now, every method in console
// now returns what you dumped out as a string.