jimmzhu / yelp-college-restaurant-trends

Determine features unique to restaurants in college towns
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Raw Yelp JSON data lives in data/raw. Head over to the yelp dataset challenge site to obtain the data, and unpack the raw json files in data/raw.

Filtered JSON data lives in data/businesses.zip. Unpack this to get two input data files:

From here you may run src/parse_businesses.py to generate test and training CSV files:

env/bin/python srcparse_businesses.py

Once we get to the point where we are able to do an initial classification on our list of businesses, the classified businesses should be saved in the appropriate directory:

Feature Vectorization

All feature vectorizations should be implemented per business:

def get_categories(business, limit=5):
    """Return (5) categories of business (dict) represented as a vector of numbers"""
    return map(category_to_int, business['categories'])[:limit]

def category_to_int(category):
    """Convert category string into integer representation"""

Once this is done, register your feature transformation function in src/parse_businesses.py:

from name_of_file import get_categories
def business_to_row(business):
    return reduce(str_flatten, (
        get_categories(business),  # 1x5
    ), ())

NOTE: Make sure that your feature vectorization function returns a fixed-length vector. This is essential for making sure the CSV is properly formatted


Get Python pip (for package management)

# Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential

# if you already have python (and therefore easy_install)
sudo easy_install pip

Install virtualenv, create a new virtual environment

sudo pip install virtualenv
virtualenv env

Install dependencies

env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

If you want to add new dependencies to the project, be sure to enter them into requirements.txt and install using env/bin/pip, NOT pip. If you're getting "permission denied" errors, that's because you're not using env/bin/pip.

See this article for a description of why using pip for package management and isolating your Python environment with virtualenv is a good idea.



Code should be saved in the src directory, while data goes in the data directory (mentioned above).

Please do not develop on the master branch. Check out your own branch as follows:

git pull
git checkout your-branch-name-here

# make some changes, then git add -A, git commit
git push -u origin your-branch-name

Then create a Pull Request (click button on GitHub), so it can be reviewed and subsequently merged into the master branch.