jimrazmus / test-app-terraform

Proof of concept to deploy a micro-service using Terraform.
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consul nomad terraform vault


Proof of concept to deploy a micro-service using Terraform. The micro-service will run as a Nomad job with state and service information kept in Consul. Consul, Nomad, and Vault run in development mode on your Mac laptop.

Getting Started

Install the software

Use the Homebrew package manager to install the necessary software on your Mac.

brew install consul nomad terraform vault

Start the server processes

Run each of these commands, in order, and in separate terminals. Leave them running until you are done playing.

consul agent -dev
vault server -dev -tls-skip-verify
nomad agent -dev

Initialize the Terraform State

terraform init -backend-config path="service/jimrazmus/test-app-terraform"

Note that the path here matches the path in the backend.tf file.

Review the Web Interfaces



Micro-service Life Cycle

Let's create a few deployments, destroy one, and validate another. In each case, take a peek at the Consul and Nomad interfaces to see the updates occurring. Note, you may need to refresh the browser to get up to date information.

Deploy the 'default' job

Obtain and evaluate what Terraform intends to do.

terraform plan

If it all looks right, deploy it.

terraform apply

Deploy development and test jobs

terraform workspace new development
terraform plan
terraform apply

terraform workspace new test
terraform plan
terraform apply

Destroy the 'development' job

terraform workspace select development
terraform destroy

Verify the 'default' job

terraform workspace select default
terraform plan