jimsihk / alpine-moodle

Moodle docker image based on Alpine Linux, NGINX, PHP-FPM and official Moodle
MIT License
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alpine amd64 arm64 armv7 docker moodle nginx php8

High Availability Moodle on Alpine Linux

Docker Pulls Docker Image Size nginx 1.26 php 8.3 moodle-4.5 License MIT

Moodle setup with high availability (HA) capabilities for Docker, build on Alpine Linux.

Repository: https://github.com/jimsihk/alpine-moodle

Automated Release


Moodle version and package dependencies are monitored and automatically updated through pull requests by Renovate: https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate

Nightly Build

A nightly build in GitHub Action scans for changes, then performs tagging and publishes a newer release on container registries.

The release tag will be in pattern: XXX.YYY.ZZ

e.g. for Moodle 4.1.1+ branch 401 version 2022112801.06, the release tag number will be starting from 401.106.0

Multiple Container Registry

The images are available on multiple registries:

Image Variants



Start the Docker containers:

docker compose up

Start a Moodle cluster:

docker compose --file docker-compose.replica.yml up

Login on the system using the provided credentials (ENV vars)

Sample docker-compose files


Define the ENV variables in docker-compose.yml file

Variable Name Default Description
SITE_URL http://localhost Sets the public site URL
SSLPROXY false Disable SSL proxy to avoid site loop. e.g. Cloudflare
DB_TYPE pgsql mysqli - pgsql - mariadb
DB_HOST postgres Database hostname e.g. database container name
DB_PORT 5432 PostgresSQL=5432 - MySQL/MariaDB=3306
DB_NAME moodle Database name
DB_USER moodle Database login username
DB_PASS moodle Database login password
DB_FETCHBUFFERSIZE Set to 0 if using PostgresSQL poolers like PgBouncer in 'transaction' mode
DB_DBHANDLEOPTIONS false Set to true if using PostgresSQL poolers like PgBouncer which does not support sending options
DB_HOST_REPLICA Database hostname of the read-only replica database
DB_PORT_REPLICA Database port of replica, left it empty to be same as DB_PORT
DB_USER_REPLICA Database login username of replica, left it empty to be same as DB_USER
DB_PASS_REPLICA Database login password of replica, left it empty to be same as DB_PASS
DB_PREFIX mdl_ Database prefix. WARNING: don't use numeric values or Moodle won't start
MOODLE_EMAIL user@example.com
SMTP_HOST smtp.gmail.com
SMTP_USER your_email@gmail.com
SMTP_PASSWORD your_password
memory_limit 128M Maximum amount of memory that a PHP script is allowed to allocate (default value inherited from base image)
client_max_body_size 50M Sets the maximum allowed size of the client request body, specified in the “Content-Length” request header field
post_max_size 50M Max size of post data allowed. This setting also affects file upload. To upload large files, this value must be larger than upload_max_filesize
upload_max_filesize 50M Maximum size of an uploaded file.
max_input_vars 5000 Maximum number of input variables allowed per request, set to at least 5000
opcache_jit_buffer_size 64M Amount of shared memory to reserve for compiled JIT code, set to 0 to disable the JIT
opcache_jit 1235 Configure the JIT mode (default value inherited from base image)
opcache_memory_consumption 128 Size of the shared memory storage used by OPcache in megabytes (default value inherited from base image)
SESSION_CACHE_TYPE Optionally sets shared session cache store: memcached, redis, database (leave it blank to keep unchanged)
SESSION_CACHE_HOST Hostname of the external cache store, required for memcached and redis
SESSION_CACHE_PORT Memcached=11211, Redis=6379, required for memcached and redis
SESSION_CACHE_AUTH Authentication key for cache store, may be required for redis
AUTO_UPDATE_MOODLE true Set to false to disable performing update of Moodle (e.g. plugins) at docker start
UPDATE_MOODLE_CODE true Set to false to disable auto download latest patch of Moodle core code, only effective if AUTO_UPDATE_MOODLE is true or built with ARG_ENABLE_GIT_CLONE as true
DISABLE_WEB_INSTALL_PLUGIN false Set to true to disable plugin installation via site admin UI, could be useful to avoid image outsync with HA setting
MAINT_STATUS_KEYWORD Status: enabled Keyword for detecting Moodle maintenance status when running admin/cli/maintenance.php, language following the Moodle site default language
LOCAL_CACHE_DIRECTORY Set the path to a local fast filesystem for Moodle local caching that no need to be shared with other instances
SKIP_MOODLE_CONFIG false Set to true to skip the Moodle configuration script

More settings on PHP and NGINX can refer to the base image https://github.com/jimsihk/alpine-php-nginx/blob/dev/README.md

Important Note about using AUTO_UPDATE_MOODLE and UPDATE_MOODLE_CODE

If set to true, Moodle will be set to CLI maintenance mode at container start while performing the update. No user will be able to use Moodle, not even admin.

If a cluster of Moodle containers are deployed for HA (e.g. on Kubernetes), it is suggested to set both to false to avoid unexpected interruption to users when auto scaling, such as adding extra containers to the cluster or container restart for auto healing.

Custom builds

Moodle plugins

ARG_MOODLE_PLUGIN_LIST: define the list of plugins

Install additional plugins, a space/comma separated arg, (optional)

Run install-plugin-list with argument "-f" to force install

if the plugin is not compatible with current Moodle version

ARG ARG_MOODLE_PLUGIN_LIST='' ENV MOODLE_PLUGIN_LIST=${ARG_MOODLE_PLUGIN_LIST} RUN if [ -n "${MOODLE_PLUGIN_LIST}" ]; then /usr/libexec/moodle/install-plugin-list -p "${MOODLE_PLUGIN_LIST}"; fi && \ rm -rf /tmp/moodle-plugins

- Since v4.2.1.02-2 (402.102.2), this could be further simplified into:
# Dockerfile.plugins
FROM quay.io/jimsihk/alpine-moodle:latest

# Install additional plugins, a space/comma separated arg, (optional)
RUN /usr/libexec/moodle/download-moodle-plugin

ARG_ALLOW_INCOMPATIBLE_PLUGIN: allow installing incompatible plugins

ARG ARG_MOODLE_PLUGIN_LIST='mod_attendance mod_checklist mod_customcert block_checklist gradeexport_checklist' ARG ARG_ALLOW_INCOMPATIBLE_PLUGIN='true' ENV MOODLE_PLUGIN_LIST=${ARG_MOODLE_PLUGIN_LIST} ENV ALLOW_INCOMPATIBLE_PLUGIN=${ARG_ALLOW_INCOMPATIBLE_PLUGIN} RUN /usr/libexec/moodle/download-moodle-plugin

## Known Issues
#### <del>Unable to Create/Update Moodle Roles with "Incorrect role short name" (https://github.com/erseco/alpine-moodle/issues/26)</del>
- <del>Workaround: install [Moosh](https://moodle.org/plugins/view.php?id=522) and use the `role-update-capability` command, but beware that only version 0.39 of the plugin has this command</del>
- **FIXED** since release v4.1.2.07-1 (401.207.1)

## Credits
- Plugin installation adopted from [Krestomatio](https://github.com/krestomatio/container_builder/tree/master/moodle)