jina-ai / serve

☁️ Build multimodal AI applications with cloud-native stack
Apache License 2.0
21.09k stars 2.22k forks source link
cloud-native cncf deep-learning docker fastapi framework generative-ai grpc jaeger kubernetes llmops machine-learning microservice mlops multimodal neural-search opentelemetry orchestration pipeline prometheus


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Jina-serve is a framework for building and deploying AI services that communicate via gRPC, HTTP and WebSockets. Scale your services from local development to production while focusing on your core logic.

Key Features

Comparison with FastAPI Key advantages over FastAPI: - DocArray-based data handling with native gRPC support - Built-in containerization and service orchestration - Seamless scaling of microservices - One-command cloud deployment


pip install jina

See guides for Apple Silicon and Windows.

Core Concepts

Three main layers:

Build AI Services

Let's create a gRPC-based AI service using StableLM:

from jina import Executor, requests
from docarray import DocList, BaseDoc
from transformers import pipeline

class Prompt(BaseDoc):
    text: str

class Generation(BaseDoc):
    prompt: str
    text: str

class StableLM(Executor):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.generator = pipeline(
            'text-generation', model='stabilityai/stablelm-base-alpha-3b'

    def generate(self, docs: DocList[Prompt], **kwargs) -> DocList[Generation]:
        generations = DocList[Generation]()
        prompts = docs.text
        llm_outputs = self.generator(prompts)
        for prompt, output in zip(prompts, llm_outputs):
            generations.append(Generation(prompt=prompt, text=output))
        return generations

Deploy with Python or YAML:

from jina import Deployment
from executor import StableLM

dep = Deployment(uses=StableLM, timeout_ready=-1, port=12345)

with dep:
jtype: Deployment
 uses: StableLM
   - executor.py
 timeout_ready: -1
 port: 12345

Use the client:

from jina import Client
from docarray import DocList
from executor import Prompt, Generation

prompt = Prompt(text='suggest an interesting image generation prompt')
client = Client(port=12345)
response = client.post('/', inputs=[prompt], return_type=DocList[Generation])

Build Pipelines

Chain services into a Flow:

from jina import Flow

flow = Flow(port=12345).add(uses=StableLM).add(uses=TextToImage)

with flow:

Scaling and Deployment

Local Scaling

Boost throughput with built-in features:

Example scaling a Stable Diffusion deployment:

jtype: Deployment
 uses: TextToImage
 timeout_ready: -1
   - text_to_image.py
 replicas: 2
     preferred_batch_size: 10
     timeout: 200

Cloud Deployment

Containerize Services

  1. Structure your Executor:

    ├── executor.py
    ├── config.yml
    ├── requirements.txt
  2. Configure:

    # config.yml
    jtype: TextToImage
    - executor.py
    name: TextToImage
    description: Text to Image generation Executor
  3. Push to Hub:

    jina hub push TextToImage

Deploy to Kubernetes

jina export kubernetes flow.yml ./my-k8s
kubectl apply -R -f my-k8s

Use Docker Compose

jina export docker-compose flow.yml docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up

JCloud Deployment

Deploy with a single command:

jina cloud deploy jcloud-flow.yml

LLM Streaming

Enable token-by-token streaming for responsive LLM applications:

  1. Define schemas:
    from docarray import BaseDoc

class PromptDocument(BaseDoc): prompt: str max_tokens: int

class ModelOutputDocument(BaseDoc): token_id: int generated_text: str

2. Initialize service:
from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer, GPT2LMHeadModel

class TokenStreamingExecutor(Executor):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.model = GPT2LMHeadModel.from_pretrained('gpt2')
  1. Implement streaming:

    async def task(self, doc: PromptDocument, **kwargs) -> ModelOutputDocument:
    input = tokenizer(doc.prompt, return_tensors='pt')
    input_len = input['input_ids'].shape[1]
    for _ in range(doc.max_tokens):
        output = self.model.generate(**input, max_new_tokens=1)
        if output[0][-1] == tokenizer.eos_token_id:
        yield ModelOutputDocument(
                output[0][input_len:], skip_special_tokens=True
        input = {
            'input_ids': output,
            'attention_mask': torch.ones(1, len(output[0])),
  2. Serve and use:

    # Server
    with Deployment(uses=TokenStreamingExecutor, port=12345, protocol='grpc') as dep:


async def main(): client = Client(port=12345, protocol='grpc', asyncio=True) async for doc in client.stream_doc( on='/stream', inputs=PromptDocument(prompt='what is the capital of France ?', max_tokens=10), return_type=ModelOutputDocument, ): print(doc.generated_text)

## Support

Jina-serve is backed by [Jina AI](https://jina.ai) and licensed under [Apache-2.0](./LICENSE).