jinc0930 / Clue

A game
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In this game, the board consists of nine rooms, each has four pointers to it's north, south, east and west. If there is no room in one of the directions, that pointer will point to null. The nine rooms are set on a 3*3 grid, with their name randomnized with the defined structure pool, which manipulates arrays and random number generators. Each room has a linked list called itemList to keep track of all items in that room.

There are a total of nine items and nine characters(including the player's avatar) in the game, they will spawn into random rooms at the beginning of the game. Each item consist of a name and a pointer called next while each character has name, inventory(a linked list of items), and location(indicating the room it's in).

The 8 npcs, however, are tagged with an ID, they can either be a "hint giver" or an "accuser", and of course, one of the npcs will be the "murderer". The "hint givers" will give the user three guarenteed accurate hints (one about each category: room, item, person) that eliminates the suspicsion. The "accuser" will give the user three accusations (one of each category) that are not guarenteed to be true, the chance of it being true varies from one accuser to another. The "murderer" will blend in and act either as a "hint giver" or an "accuser".

How to compile

  1. Clone this repository and type mingw32-make if you havem mingw or just make command in the terminal.
  2. If the compilation is successfull now you can execute the output file "clue.exe" in the same directory. To run the file, simply type ./clue.exe in the terminal.


Compile and test by executing mingw32-make test && ./test or on unix systems make test && ./test

How to play

Commands include "help","list","go","take","drop","inventory","look","talk", and "clue". The game uses scanf() to gather user input, and allow commands with secondary inputs. Players can enter a direction after the "go" command was inputed, or name of an item after "drop" and "take", and a character name (suspected murderer) after calling "clue". To accomodate user habits, commands can be entered in one line or two separate lines. Users can type "go south" or "go" enter "south". If the user did not input a valid command, the game allows the user to re-enter a command without consequences.

The game begins by asking user to input their name, and sets given name as the player's avatar name. Then, it asks for user to input commands for gameplay. The game will end when the user wins or loses, the user can win by guessing the answer correctly, which consist of a random room, random item, and a random character. The player can keep guessing until clue is called at the eleventh time, where the game will end.

Experimental graphics version (WIP)

  1. You need to install raylib, make and a c99 compiler like gcc. You can skip all of this in case you already have it by using MSYS2 or any other way. For unix systems: raylib on macOs, raylib on linux.
  2. Some adjustments in the Makefile may be needed depending where you installed raylib. I recommend you changing the RAYLIB_PATH and COMPILER_PATH variables in the Makefile accordingly.
  3. To run the file, simply type ./graphics/clue.exe in the terminal.